I enjoy learning about the older bikes from yourself and others Firko. I might not have any desire to race anything older than pre70, but I do enjoy looking at them and seeing what makes them tick. Afterall, MX all started from scramblers and the history of them should live on into the future.
Sure, some threads can get a bit heated on here, but it's usually the same protagonists trying to force their opinion (and that's all it is) onto others. And most of the heat comes around whenever there is a discussion over rules and proposed changes. Why it denigrates into personal attacks is beyond me but I guess that's just the way some people roll when they're on the net.
I've been sucked into the negative vortex myself, and it will never happen again. When I got the full story from others, it turned out I was a bit harsh with my words so I retracted my statement.
On the positive side, at least some forum members took the time to inform me of the whole story. For that, I am thankful.
There are heaps of positive threads on this forum, whether its jokes, cars, random stupidity or bikes. And there is a lot of helpful information to be found. If a person doesn't know about about a certain "thingamajig" and can't find out through a thread search, all they have to do is ask and someone will be able to help.
It's a shame that some of the former members have chosen to leave because they have taken their knowledge with them. I for one am far from knowing everything. What I do know about, I am happy to share. But if I don't know about "it", I will shut up and listen (read) until I do know at least the basics.
It's only an arrogant person, young or older, who thinks they have nothing more to learn.