i think the rules need a bit af work
like magoo said
firstly there should be no ride up in other classes
i still cant believe this happened
so technically i could ride my rm370
in pre78 open evo open and pre85 open
so why do i need a shed full of bikes
i think if you want to ride a maico 490
in pre 85 thats ok but you must nominate for that class only
not evo as well i dont care who you are
the pre 85 rules have just been added to gcrs
and they were kept basic oem was left out
and i think it should be out of evo as well
i think an age limit for bike on evo and pre 85 is a good idea
the only other sticky point in early bikes is pre78
suspension travel at 9 inches when nearly all the euro bikes
were 9 and a half to ten inches standard
which technically means they have to reduce ther travel
this is a good starting point everyone should get on and suggest
some ideas