Thanks to the interest boys, I'm still to hear from both the seller or eBay and if I do hear something I'll report it here. John, I know that there was a good chance that the shocks were junk, Walter and I have discussed it on another thread. I liked the look of them and really only bought them so I could check them out. I had no intentions of ever using them on a motocrosser and if did find them usable they'd have gone on a comparatively stress free dirt tracker. I like taking the occasional punt on bits that are new to me. I've managed to pick up some pretty trick gizmo's over the years purely by my being curious. The last set of shocks I bought turned out to be $899AU top of the line Proogressives which were in perfect nick, not even any chain rash. All for $100+$70 to ship. I knew zero about Progressive's and only took them when the Works shocks the bloke was also selling had sold to another Aussie punter and he offered me the Progressives instead. After I paid he told me that they worked much better than the Works shocks on his Knight XR500 flat tracker which is just what I wanted them for.