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Offline Graeme M

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Tracktime at Canberra
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:30:27 am »
With the Classic titles looming here's another chance for a ride at Canberra with a club raceday next weekend. Racing will be on Sunday August 26 with the usual assortment of classes including Over 35s and Classics.  You could get at least 6 races and more if you enter modern classes as well. It's always an informal but smoothly run day and the track is at its best right now. Not sure but they may be running the shorttrack arrangement this time.

Also don't forget there'll be another practice day on September 2.

Offline colmoody

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 09:22:47 pm »
Graeme is spot on with this post. Canberra last hosted Classic Dirt Track Titles in 2008 (I think) and it was a pearler. So if you are of a mind to do the Titles this year take the opportunity to have a ride this coming Sunday. Good track, well prepped surface and always a well run meeting. I will be at this coming Sunday's meeting with good stocks of 18" and 19" Mitas, Vee Rubber and Shinko Trials Universals for sale if anyone is chasing same.

A bit off topic I know but for those that like to do the Safari and Adventure thing I always have in excess of 100 of that style of tyres in most sizes and patterns in the most popular brands in stock all the time.

Even a bit more off topic, I do carry a limited range of road bike tyre brands and sizes.

That all doesn't read and look like an ad does it ???????????

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2012, 10:11:32 pm »
It *does* sound a bit like an ad! I have a mate who's thinking of getting into dirt track, but he needs a 19" tyre. I'll let him know, he might drop by for a look at what you've got there. Which do you reckon is the better choice in the 19" size?

Offline colmoody

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 08:51:41 pm »
Gosh Graeme thats a bit of a no win type of question to someone that sells them. Much better to ask the punters that ride on them regularly.

Reason being is that if I say that A is better than B there will be plenty that say the opposite. Then there will be guys that swear by D and of course the odd one that wins on tyre C. And so it goes on.

But no matter what, you can bet leftie that the guy who blows us all off on the day is on tyre X. And there is generally a pretty good reason for that, if you get my drift.

Good question all the same and I would love to hear what the majority reckon.


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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 09:06:48 pm »
Col will be in Canberra for the titles in Oct with a full compliment of tyres so remember that if anyone  wants to have a brand new tyre for the finals, remember, there's nothing better than a new edge.
Is that a good enough plug for you Col?

P.S. Free fitting also available. ;D

Offline colmoody

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2012, 09:33:47 am »
Yeah Askew that plug was all sounding pretty good until that bit about the free fitting. But as your not riding at the titles I'll happily pass the tyre levers and rubber hammer onto you. That was what you were thinking wasn't it.

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2012, 05:05:07 am »
Good one Col, tried the Shinko (19'') in the states this year,not quite sure whether is the tickett for our tracks but it certainly helped me after a track watering in Ohio. They offer a more rounded profile, make a good front (will use it as that on the front next year, with a squarer option on rear). Great to have someone to bring some rubber to the races, thanks Col.

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2012, 06:59:08 am »
I gotta ask about that cos my mate is keen to get a good 19" tyre. I am not coming from a position of knowledge here, so I am curious. Why is a square profile more desirable? I'd have thought a rounded profile is better so it's more predictable as the bike leans over. I think back in the day guys reckoned the Michies worked better as they wore.

Offline Noel

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2012, 09:27:06 pm »
I suspect you rational is correct Graeme as the Mitas on my XT 500 is so predictable and confidence inspiring,
But I reckon the Mitchy fitted to the CZ give's better drive with a bit of twitchyness
the Vee Rubber on the XL 250/cr125 seems to give good drive but neither of those bike's over whelm the tyre. probably not quite as predictable as the Mitas though.

PS . will ring soon . bit over whelmed at the moment.

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2012, 07:29:38 am »
OK, no rush Noel.

Well, at least you have the bases covered tyres wise!  :)  I tend to the point of view just go Michelin but for the 19" size it's a real lottery it seems. I bought an 18" wheel for my YZ125 and went Michelin. It's well worn now but still seems to work well at Canberra. I will spring for a new one for next year. I was looking at photos of the recent titles at Gunnedah and also the Taree meet - everyone's running small fronts with what look like US dirt track tyres or rain tyres. But that's oiled tracks for you.

I think engine power makes a difference - I agree what you say re the CR and XL. Bikes with under 30hp aren't gonna overwhelm any tyre really...


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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2012, 07:51:28 am »
When you're oldish and your reflex's aren't quite what they used to be, predictability is important.
That's what I also liked about the Mitas.

Offline Shaun G

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2012, 10:28:07 am »
Hi Graeme

I've got a 19" Vee Rubber on my modern. It seems to me to be pretty good.

On the 18" bikes I have Michy's. They *may* provide a little better drive but cornering to me seems very similar between both brands.


Offline Graeme M

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2012, 12:34:55 pm »
Thanks Shaun. Gezza is going to try a Vee Rubber, but not sure when he'll debut. He had some weak excuse about needing to swot up for work so couldn't make it this weekend.

Back to the original thread topic, the weather forecast is good for Sunday so I reckon a good day will be had by all.

Offline colmoody

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2012, 08:03:59 pm »
Good to hear from you Pete. Like many others on this site I have been following your progress in the States with interest and more than a little envy.

Other than what I have seen in videos and still images I know nothing about the surfaces of those tracks you competed on in the states other than like some tracks here in oz they appear to develop the blue line which is probably not the ideal surface for any Trials Universal. What you said about it working a bit better after track watering made sense and maybe if you were chasing a bit of loose the Trials Universal might come into it's own. Other than that it kinda looks like something a bit more road (race) orientated would be the go on most of those surfaces.

In answer to Graeme's posts on the subject of Trials Universals my take on it is by definition Trials Universals are just that, Universal. As to which is the best I have no idea but if and when anyone finds a tyre that works for every rider of every grade on every capacity (modern or classic with all the associated variances in power delivery) of every riding style on every surface and comes with a money back guarantee put me down for a couple.

Pete, caught up with our mate Grasy at the Nepean Charity meeting a few weeks ago and as always he was in everything but the proverbial shit sandwich and going like a cut cat. If it moves he'll ride it.

Reckon you'll make it Classic Titles in Canberra Pete.

Offline Grasy 6

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Re: Tracktime at Canberra
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2012, 08:16:52 pm »
Hi Col,
Tried the Shit sandwich but it tasted like a god damn cut cat. Hey but I did run your Mitas on all the bikes they are a ticket at Nepean. Some of the tyres where 2 yrs old & still kept their edge just keep rotating them. After I buy 10 do I a free one .LOL