Dont think it will happen all things being equal, i tried everything short of bringing in a priest but they are limited . As Brad said methanol will give a gain but lots of dramas
RM 125S motor great but not pre 75 legal
Lozza can probably port a TS cylinder for you ( they are a better starting point ) but if the other riders are of similar or better riding ability its a lost cause . 5 speed box is also limiting Crs are 6 speed , the fast Crs are on methanol and i found that on uphills they just run away . Davey crocket (Joan ) has built a fast reliable YZ 125A but its still a 5 speed
Vandys MX 125 is a good fast pre 75 125 but still a 5 speed .
Honestly learn to corner real fast and hope the tracks dont have too many long straights or uphills and you may be in with a shot . Otherwise buy an Elsinore or a KX 125
probably the only real contender to the Elsinore with stock motor and soooooooo easy to ride , sweet linear power and 6 speeds and they dont load up like an Elsinore
, you just have to work the suspension . Rob Tumes from SA has had great succsess on his KX at the nats in years gone by .
Tm is a great bike but a title contender
not unless your name is Akira Watanabe