if you are North of the River a few of the guys use B&D Powdercoaters. I have and they are very good - even know enough to question me about my choice of colour for a Honda frame as to Tahitain red and signal red etc.
T'is my displeasure to inform you that I wont be going anywhere near B&D's again - EVER! Malcolm owned the business when I was doing the groundwork and was more than helpful and actually took the time to work with me to get the best outcome. Fast forward and Malcolm sells the business to Steve who appears to know it all, especially with "18 years in the industry" ( a fact often repeated! ). I rock up with my chassis and bits'n'bobs and basically I was an intrusion into their working day. Asked about Malcolm and was told "he sold it to me and I'm the boss now". Laying the pieces out carefully on their floor, I went through what I wanted ( not that bloody hard, only 2 colours ), making sure I separated the red from black. Leaving the worker under no illusion that if there was any doubt as to what was needed, to ring me to sort it out. I left a note for the boss as well. The morning that I needed it back - and assurances gained that it would be delivered, I get the phone call - "Hi Tony, it's Steve from B&D.....um, what parts needed to be what colour?" So, I went through each part for him, describing them and again asking that if there's a problem to ring me again to sort it. Time was an issue as I was taking off on the Safari so needed to have it all sorted within the time parameters we'd agreed too. Yeah, they stuffed up the order. His answer was that he could redo it but no way could he post it to me ( "I wouldn't know how to do it" was his pathetic response! ) so I'd have to collect it or take some tins of spray to get the right colour.
So, anyone in Perth and surrounds thinking of using B&D, I say CAVEAT EMPTOR!