Having said that i applauded saving them 50 years ago, but still say he should have released them 20 years ago as they were collectable then
Twenty years ago or twenty years into the future...old Fords and American V-twin motorcycles will
always be collectable. I'm glad that he saved them from being turned into railway lines and baked bean cans fifty years ago and sure, there may have been too many Model T Fords or Harleys or whatever by your tastes Freakster but that's what the old fella liked so more power to him. I'd be pretty sure he collected them to save them and because he liked 'em, not for monetary gain.
I know of a shed very close to my home (no not my own shed!!)that is one of the latter types-what a fuggin' waste!!!
Many forum members know Anthony Suttor from Euchareena NSW who was a keen first generation vintage racer and parts supplier until a huge dummy spit saw him walk away from the sport a few years ago. During his time in the VMX fold Anthony amassed a collection of Bultacos of all models and sizes that would number well over a hundred. You name a Bultaco model and Anthony would probably have at least one and probably a few. Anyone who's been in his shearing shed and barn will surely have been gob smacked by the sheer number of Bullies lined up gathering dust. Unfortunately Anthony's not keen on selling any (
I tried to get a Bandito and M11 'Metisse' on seperate occasions and failed) and seeing that he's not involved in the sport any more, these bikes seem destined to rot away.