Author Topic: "Men Of A Certain Age"  (Read 5501 times)

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"Men Of A Certain Age"
« on: December 27, 2011, 10:01:12 am »
What do ya think, does this sum it up it applies I think to VMX as well as VET's on Modern's :D

Courtesy of MX Action,


 Jody's ode to the "Men Of A Certain Age" that are keeping the sport alive; in spirit and reality

By Jody Weisel

Old guys at speed.
In a parallel universe, I would be a gray-haired college professor teaching gerontology to a bunch of students more interested in doing Jagerbombs than learning the importance of chi-square in the scientific survey. I’d probably be wearing a cardigan, peering over reading glasses and attending staff mixers at the University of Texas. One thing is for sure: in that alternative reality, I wouldn’t be taking any chances (save for flirting with the occasional young coed). That is life for most men of my era, age, education and mind-set. It is the life I was prepared to live by virtue of nine years of working on my Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D.

In that world, the riskiest thing I could do was fail to publish an updated version of my seminal work on the “Local/Cosmopolitan Orientation Of Aged Blacks And Whites.” It would be a staid life made all the more secure by university tenure and social security. When it comes to taking chances, the biggest risks people of my potential ilk take is to play poker, parasail at Sandals or take the Atlantis Submarine ride at Waikiki.

Three-time Over-60 World Champion Bill Maxim.
So here I am, barreling down a long, fast, steep and bumpy Glen Helen downhill on a 54-horsepower motorcycle with a bunch of men of a certain age. They could be dentists, insurance agents, car dealers or plumbers, but to me they are arch-rivals, enemies, competitors, and soon to be the honored dead (if only I can catch up to them). In my never-lived parallel universe, we’d be sharing cocktails at the country club between rounds of high-handicap golf. Instead, we are racing motorcycles at the highest level possible and at the oldest age imaginable.
19-time World Vet Champion Doug Dubach.
How did it come to this? In my case, there is a simple reason for my transition from future somber college professor to maniac motocrosser—I got paid to do it. Plain and simple—I'm a mercenary. Going to college allowed me to pursue my motocross career without having to work for a living (kind of the opposite of the current high school drop-out scenario), but there came a point where the money from testing motorcycles was greater than what North Texas State University was willing to pay me to teach Social Research Methods 101. So, I know why I’m racing motorcycles. I’m a hired gun, but what is that 67-year-old Volvo dealer doing next to me? We are locked in mortal combat with little to gain and a lot to lose.

Talent wise, Vets are to Ryan Dungey what the Mexican Air Force is to the Blue Angels. But thrill wise, we are getting more than enough of an adrenaline rush to power 100 defibrillators (which the guy we just passed on the uphill looks like he is going to need after the moto is over).

Pete DeGraaf has won the Over-50 World Championship four out of the last five years (Toon Karsmakers beat him in 2008).
"Old guys going fast." That may sound good, but it isn’t exactly accurate. Perhaps, old guys going way too fast for their age is more to the point. We, and by that I mean all motocross racers over the age of 30, are the saving grace of American motocross.

Read that again...carefully—because it is important and rarely said. In a motorcycle market where bike sales have gone down 20 percent every year for the last four years, how much longer can the sport of motocross go on without new blood? The answer? As long as there are old codgers with money to spend on the sport of their youth. With $8400 motocross bikes, $100 tires and $450 helmets, this isn’t a sport for the young at heart (and weak of pocketbook). Nope, you gotta be old to afford to race motorcycles, or cars, or airplanes, or offshore boats or just about anything short of strollers. Older motocross racers are what is keeping race promoters, dealers and hop-up shops alive. These gray-haired old dudes are the power-elite. They are the heroes of American motocross—even if they aren't heroes in terms of speed anymore.
Six-time World Vet Champion Gary Jones has won titles in the Over-30, Over-40 and Over-50 classes. Oh yeah, he also won the 250 National Championship four times (when he was young).
The best thing about motocross is that it is the cheapest Grand Prix-level sport in the world. For $10,000, men of a certain age can race on the same equipment as the high-paid stars of the sport and on the exact same courses. You couldn’t buy the tires for one pit stop in NASCAR for what it costs to do a full season of local motocross. And, 16-year-olds, (which we all used to be) are no longer the consumers that fuel the motorcycle fact, it hard to find very many 16-year-olds (except at the motor home conventions that pay contingency money). But, if you throw a stone a few feet at most SoCal local races, you will easily hit two 40-year-old investment bankers and one 50-year-old fireman. In fact, at the tracks I race at, with two rocks I could hit a majority of Hollywood's stuntmen.

Do you find it hard to believe that Ron Lechien is over 40 years old.

In everything but motocross, men of a certain age are virtually powerless in our youth-obsessed culture. Time is no longer a friend as much as an enemy. The psychological factors of growing old in a society that favors abs over experience can only lead to what is euphemistically called a “mid-life crisis.”

There comes a time when knowing how to fix a washing machine means little in a consumer society where they just throw broken things away and buy new ones. You know when you buy something that has electronic controls that there is no way you can ever fix it (think fuel injection and programmable ignitions). That is something that your grandfather or father never had to consider. Things were never truly obsolete back in the good old days—now, not only are "things" obsolete, but so are men of a certain age. They have skills, but no place to use them.
Lars Larsson was the professional racer that Edison Dye brought over from Sweden to introduce motocross to Americans. He won the Inter-Am 500 Support class championship in 1970. Then, 31 year later won the Over-60 World Championship in 2001. Then, ten years after that he won the Over-70 Championship in 2011.
For many of the old men still racing motocross, they often think back 30 years ago when they were 18-years-old and had scraped up enough money to buy a used RM125 two-stroke. They reminisce about the joy of working on it, jetting it, changing the fork oil, and racing it with the reckless abandon that is normally only reserved for a night on the town with Charlie Sheen. They remember how their mothers felt when she found out that they were racing motorcycles. She cried. Somehow, when she cried, they knew that they were onto something really fun. I think Sigmund Freud wrote that anything that makes your mother cry is worth doing.

Doug Dubach just keeps on ticking. "The Doctor" won his first World Vet title in 1993. In fact, in 2007 and 2009, he won both the Over-40 and Over-30 Pro classes.
Maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s a shame to waste young lives in the meaningless pursuit of motocross stardom—because when young people achieve something, they don’t know enough about life to appreciate it. To me, it is much cooler to waste old lives in the pursuit of motocross least the Vet class version of it. There is nothing like the head rush that a 54-year-old, dressed in cosmic-yellow nylon, gets from stuffing a chiropractor from Atlanta at speeds approaching 13 mph.

Motocross racing is wasted on the young. There is nothing sadder than some 12-year-old minicycle racer showing up at the races with a bevy of bikes, a 54-foot motor coach and a middle-aged dad sweating in the sun. For this picture to come into proper focus, Junior needs to be sitting in the motor home playing “Call of Duty” for the tenth straight hour while dad gets dressed for his moto. If Junior wants to race, he can get a paper route and pay for it himself. That's what I did.
There are those who say that motorcycle racing is too dangerous for men of a certain age. That’s stupid. What are the dangers left for a 63-year-old...after all, he’s really just marking time until his oncologist tells him what kind of cancer is going to get him in the end. It’s sad that old people don’t risk their lives more often—it would make living a few more years seem more precious.
Ryan Hughes has won the Over-30 World Vet Championship four times.
Over 27 years ago, Tom White, who is now racing in the Over-60 class, asked me, “Why don’t we hold a motorcycle race and only invite guys over the age of 30?” It seemed like a good idea at the time, largely because both of us were over the age of 30. Thus, the World Vet Championships were born. When you think about it, the World Vet Championship is, in essence, an event that wouldn’t have happened if Mr. White’s mother had believed in birth control back in 1950.

Ryan Hughes (4) and Doug Dubach have traded the Over-30 World Vet title between them for 15 years, but their string has been broken on occasion by Erik Kehoe (1996), Spud Walters (2003), Casey Johnson (2006) and Kyle Lewis (2008).

Over the following 27 years, all kinds of cool things have happened at the World Vet (and in Vet racing across the nation). It is easy to recite the highlights, like wins by four-time 250 National Champion Gary Jones, Rocket Rex Staten, Warren Reid, Erik Kehoe, Ryan Hughes and Doug Dubach; but the real highlight is that the men of a certain age who showed up at the first World Vet Motocross Championship in 1986 are still racing the same event in 2011. That first year they only had classes for riders over 30-years-old and over 40-years-old. Today, there are racers who have won World Vet Championships in the 30-, 40- and 50-year-old classes ...and they aren’t that far away from turning 60. If you look back to the 1986 AMA Nationals, you won’t find a single rider still racing at the top level Dymond, Holland, Bowen, Warren, Liles, Storbeck, Bailey, Ward, Johnson, King or Fisher. Not so at the World Vet.
It is not unusual to go to a local race in SoCal and find that the vast majority of the racers are over the age of 40. Why? Obviously the high costs of racing favors riders who are well established and leading stable lives, but this has probably always been true to some extent.

The real reason is that the old guys care about the sport. They didn't start racing because they heard that you could make a buck at it. They don't want to be Bubba. They aren't slaves to fashion. They don't need to be cool. The truth is that most modern Vet racers had raced motocross in the 1970s and 1980s—and they loved it. That love never died...and while they may have gotten a little paunchier and a lot slower, the passion for racing still remains.

BSA factory rider Chuck "Feets" Minert was a star of American motorcycle racing in the 1950s and 1960s. The Catalina Grand Prix winner has never stopped racing...and he raced his first race in 1947. That was 64 years ago. You can find him still racing today.
Yes, but where does Vet racing all end? Where does a crazy life like this lead? Motocross is hard work—even at reduced speeds. Obviously, you can’t keep going on forever. The oldest big-name racer at the World Vet Championship has traditionally been 80-year-old Feets Minert. The former BSA factory rider, Trans-AMA racer and Catalina Grand Prix winner (in 1956) started racing in 1947, and 63 years later he’s still at it. The AMA told him back in 1971, when he was 40, that he was too old to keep racing.

He didn’t listen to them. I hope you never do either.

maico police

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 04:10:31 pm »
All too true I reckon ;). Guys that are over 35 and continue to race motocross are the purists.
Few of the younger guys that race stay true to it after they "get it out of their system". After the "Crusty Demon" and "Bad Boy" phase wears out and it hits home that they can really get hurt, most guys that leave the sport never return. They get Jet Ski's, road bikes and shit like that. They play golf, get fat and race in their heads. "The older I get, the faster I was" as someone's signature here so correctly proclaims.

Sure some are banged up so bad they can't do it anymore.

But everytime I'm in a race I'm 18 years old again.

Motocross is King...... 8)
(add your own music... ;))
« Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 04:19:23 pm by Mont »

Offline Davey Crocket

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2011, 07:03:14 pm »
Well said.... at the Broadford Nats last year I got to race with Gary Jones on my YZ250A in the over 50's (he helped develop it along with his brother and father) him to sign one of the number plates, when he's doing it he notices the race number and says thats the same number I ran with back in the cool is that?....god for giving I can still race in 20 years it.
QVMX.....Australia's #1 VMX club......leading the way.


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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2011, 07:36:07 pm »
So let me get this straight, the survival of modern MX in the USofA is down to a bunch of old guys with no sense spending up big on modern bikes and new boots.

Hmmm so what happens when they stop in the forseeable future and what is the industry actually doing to encourage and reward the loyalty, will I be able to use my  pensioners card to get discounts on new knobblies. ?


Offline ty4

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2011, 07:55:28 pm »
had something like this coversation with a few young blokes in the shed not to long back.
the benifits of living in the same place for a long time :D( you get to see them grow up and become human again ::)
over a few froffies the question is always, why do you still do this?? ( as in ride OLD bikes) especially if a newbie has wondered in, then the explanation of i always wanted/ lusted after/ couldn't afford. and when  i tell my body enough lies, i ride my small collection of beasties :D

will they ride the bikes of their youth at say 50 years of age???


we have lived through a golden age lads and laddettes, a golden age



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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2011, 08:11:04 pm »
To me this sums it up in a nut shell  ......   Quote   "  The truth is that most modern Vet racers had raced motocross in the 1970s and 1980s—and they loved it. That love never died...and while they may have gotten a little paunchier and a lot slower, the passion for racing still remains".

Offline John Orchard

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2011, 08:24:53 pm »
It's all too true, racing in the 70's was something else, I'm spewing I switched to road racing in the mid 80's but the 'speed' bug got me.  Now I revert back to MX, thinking I'd rather throw a $6K bike down the track at 50 kph than a $30K bike at 250 kph.

I'm 52 now, I hope I'm still around to see todays young riders become 'aged' to see if they still continue to ride.
Johnny O - Tahition_Red factory rider.

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2011, 08:31:43 pm »
Every time I drive home from racing or riding, I think "Man, I'm gunna keep doing that until I can't get a leg over one again". It's the biggest buzz going......

Offline SUZUKI311

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2011, 08:33:43 pm »
Whether you love him or hate him i always find Jody's articles to be worth reading, having read them since 1978. And like old fart says,i reckon that he's on the money about this, and for what its worth, i won't listen to them either, as long as i can still get on a bike.
1977 RM80B-UNDER CONSTRUCTION-(Still after 11 years !) 2017 KTM 350EXCF , 96 CBR600, . Member of Bendigo Motorcycle club since 1981, Viper No. 311 (old VMBA Number!!)

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2011, 08:42:41 pm »
Over 55 class Old Farts having a Fat Time at whatever speed they like ;D

Look around, your dead a long time, that's what I  have heard


Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2011, 09:20:04 pm »
I spend one Saturday a month doing things at home that would ensure I took out the annual 'mrs housekeeper of the year' award just so i can ditch the apron and washing basket for the nylons and knee braces Sunday.  And during the week, I swap the cosy leather sofa and remote control to pound the pavement just so I have the fitness to survive the same thing. 

And all the racers at my local club should thank their lucky stars the Over 35s class is the healthy class of all - who else would fill the club coffers (and rip the track besides)?


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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2011, 12:03:17 am »
, then the explanation of i always wanted/ lusted after/ couldn't afford.

Is it that element of not being able to afford things that drives us..... when I was first apprenticed only the boss and Mayor had a new car, now every 1st year apprentice has an HSV ..... does being able to afford it all too easily diminish its value. Young riders have expectations of a new 4x4, new bike, dealer servicing it and team trailer as pretty much the least they deserve and when it is not all laid on they jack it in..

Offline Kenneth S (222)

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2011, 07:18:45 am »
we have lived through a golden age lads and laddettes, a golden age
There might be young guys of today's era racing their original bikes in 20-30 years time but their era won't be as unique and rich in history as ours. Tony is right, we were lucky enough to live through a special age where bikes were air finned and twin shocked, an age where we lived through the evolution of long travel suspension, air to liquid cooling, hub to disc brakes. An age where we still had to wear leather and fight with the ACU to use nylon. Motocross was still in it's 'Frontier' stages back then and we were and are part of that frontier generation as the pioneers. Excuse the cliche's but they accurately reflect our generation. Look at Supercross how common it is in Aus today. I raced in Australia's 'First Ever' Supercross where we had to learn to double jump through the quads because we hadn't ridden on quad jumps before. It was the era of The Mr Motocross Series, what a classic! It was an age where the bikes of the same year were very unique and took on a personality of their own. Some of the greatest enjoyment I get from being involved today is working on my bike. It is like re-connecting with an old mate I hadn't seen in 28 years. In this case, hind sight is fantastic. It allows us to appreciate and re-live some of the best times of our life. Age is just a number, it's how you feel in life that counts and Classic Motocross, all that is associated with it and all the great people who make up Vintage Motocross creates something that makes me 'Feel Good'! That's what it is all about.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 07:20:54 am by KJ222 »
Kenneth S
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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2011, 07:31:44 am »
Wow that is a much more concise explanation than the original article by Jody Weasel, that had us all buying a new modern bike each year. They wish,,,, maybe MXA was putting out some positive spin to cheer up the ailing Japanese advertisers..... who are bringing nothing to the table themselves. I actually enjoy reading MXA occasionally  ;D

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Re: "Men Of A Certain Age"
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2011, 12:23:59 pm »
I believe the true motocrossers of today will probabaly compete in vet racers in 30 or so years. Just because we seem to think that we have the monopoly on motocross because we grew up in the era of so much change doesn't mean we're the only true believers.

The article isn't about old guys riding old bikes (or keyboards ::)). It's about old guys racing. It's a good article by a guy well intrenched in the sport. Give him his dues.... ;)