Trav...try not to 'restore' that bike, it's way too original. Remember, a bike is only original once. Only replace parts that need replacing with simiilar patina'd parts to keep it looking right. Most people would rather see an unmolested survivor than a blinged up show queen.
I know what you mean as I'm just fixing up things that need doing as I was looking at replacing the plastics so I can keep the originals so they dont get damaged and the same for the muffler as if I had a spare original I wouldn't replace it
Updated list as I went shopping today
Seat cover obviously (ordered)
Rear lower chain block (aquired)
New handle bars and grip (aquired)
Kick starter boot (ordered)
Gear leaver (ordered)
Brake and clutch leaver sets (ordered)
Front brake cable (aquired)
Front brake shoes (aquired)
Rear shocks (aquired)
Respray engine as it's a dodgy job (done with cheap paint)
New front globe (aquired)
Exhaust guard
a couple of spare spark plugs (aquired)
New chain and sprockets
New plastics from possably DC plastics
New decals
Sports muffler so I don't damage the factory one (a got a freeby I scored today I just need to clean up)
Sort out the throttle as it's a bit sticky
Trav Man