There are thirty bike related threads on this forum. In those thirty threads are hundreds of bike related topics. There is one general discussion thread. General discussion is usually for any off topic subjects that us motorcyclists are interested in. In the hundreds of topics in the general discussion there is one about carbon tax. Obviously it has some interest to people, as it has run for twenty odd pages.
I don't understand why the angst over one thread amongst hundreds. It is to some degree still a free country and you can avoid that one thread. Reading it and then wining about it doesn't contribute to the forum. Go out to the shed take pictures of your bike junk and start a bike junk in shed thread or something.
As for soft porn, it lowers the forum further and I now have to make sure my kids aren't on my lap when I'm on here. Those who complain the forum is going downhill may actually be oiling the wheels of decline.