I think for OzVMX and legal reasons everyone should be most circumspect when reporting and commenting on these matters.
There is 'the public's right to know' defence in law and good service to the VMX community in reporting but it should be the offence should be absolutely blatant and serious, and facts should be provable (documented) 'beyond reasonable doubt' for the matter to be reportable and constructive.
I think the standard should be 'If it hasn't been worth while to report it to the police, don't report it here'. Otherwise OzVMX will be turned into a Bitch Pit and will self destruct.
If the wish is for public learning and awareness then it should be reported generalised, non-specific and not personalised. Careful choice of words can get the message across and give everyone a pretty good idea of who or what type of person to avoid. The rest can be sorted by P.M. and standing around CD9 camp fires.
This standard should apply to forum members, Ebay sellers, the general m/c community and the general public et al.
(None of the above is criticism of 090 or anyone else, just my .01 cents worth