So one can build a so-called "HL Replica" (which it demonstrably is not) with a 2011 frame and a 20-something engine; this has precisely what to do with VINTAGE MX?
You can also build CCM, Cheney, Rickman, CZ, C&J, Maico 490, B44 GP etc with 2011 frame and 20 year old engine. My point was the HL is very parctical as a mount as the engine is still in production and you can buy spares straight over the counter.
Back to the subject, I think there are a lot of real bikes out there for grabs at the moment, out of the US you can really get some great bikes for cheap, I have TM400, YZ250A, Husky 73 CR 250 on the water at the moment..... all cheap as chips