Have been teaching for 33 years, 2 states in Oz, Principal of an International School in Fiji and 15 years a Deputy Prin/Prin in Oz schools. Teachers have to follow their employers ethos, so perhaps look towards the boffins and pollies who make decisions but have no idea of the implementation of effect. Schools are also only a reflection of society. Yep we don't give the cane, but have you seen what the courts inflict (or don't) on persistent problems. (Interesting to see what happens to the 14 yr old cop basher in Harvey bay) Think there are a few bigger problems to solve, than justing baggin the chalkies. Sure there are the good, the bad and the ugly (most seem that way to me now), but doesn't that basically sum-up all types of employment, if not society. Now off the soapbox I have a rear wheel to setup in the godden.