Author Topic: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.  (Read 8413 times)

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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2011, 10:31:16 pm »
Alron  manager

On Ya Firko !!  ;)  ;D   
cheers A
Best is in the West !!


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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2011, 06:57:00 am »
Im in for the 3rd Firko, gotta keep the QLD connection!


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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2011, 11:42:14 am »
With regret I must announce that the Show'n'Shine has been postponed indefinitely until a suitable date can be found.
We originally had it earmarked for March 26 but we'd forgotten a previous committment to attend Slakewells bash up in Armidale. The next step was to check the calendars and it looked good for the following weekend April 3. I gave two months warning on the forum that we were going with April 3 and nobody gave me any inkling that any other events were in the wind.  With that in mind the venue was booked and I was about to anounce the new date on this forum when lo and behold, on that very morning the RetroVMX guys anounced that they were holding their inaugural pre 90 meet at Dargle on that same day. >:(  We want as many vintage racers to be involved so with a race meeting being held on the same day I once again had to cancel.

The rest of April is taken up with race meets and personal committments and we're travelling to Broadford for the HBBB over Easter so we've reluctantly pulled the plug until we can find a weekend that doesn't clash with anything else. The management of the Alroy Tavern have been accomodating with understanding our two date changes and cancelations and I want to keep our good relationship intact by not booking any more until we're firm on a date.

Sorry to disappoint you all but unfortunately.....shit happens.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 11:49:16 am by firko »

Offline Shaun G

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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2011, 01:39:13 pm »

Yes it is a shame that there would have been a date clash. We are participating at an event held by another club as their guests. As such we have no influence on the selected date.

Personally I am looking forward to attending the show and shine and if you allow the display of Pre '90 machines I'm sure you could expect to have a number of other willing participants  ;D



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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2011, 02:13:42 pm »
Shaun, a short PM telling me that you guys were considering attaching yourself to the other clubs meeting on April 3 might have saved me a lot of mucking about. I know that our little show was the least thing on your mind but seeing that I've gone out of my way to make sure we don't interfere with others events, a little bit of return courtesy would have been a nice touch.

Having got that off my chest, I hope your debut meet goes really well. Seeing that I've now got one of my rare free weekends on April 3, I'll probably take a drive out and have a look.

Offline micks

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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2011, 03:16:02 pm »
the city of penrith was hav`in a dirt track meeting on the 3rd but changed the date to the next weekend the 10th so the members could come to the show. ;)
ok firko that`s crap!! they change the weekend because the barry sheene is on at the creek.all the best finding a new date.

Offline Shaun G

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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2011, 05:59:10 pm »
Shaun, a short PM telling me that you guys were considering attaching yourself to the other clubs meeting on April 3 might have saved me a lot of mucking about. I know that our little show was the least thing on your mind but seeing that I've gone out of my way to make sure we don't interfere with others events, a little bit of return courtesy would have been a nice touch.

Firko I apologise for not letting you know. The date was only confirmed on March 9. I think though that you are being a bit unfair singling us out. You may want to consider other club's such as Hunter also running events on April 3. This is impacting on the participation of a number of Newcastle based riders, among others, for our event as well.



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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2011, 07:11:42 pm »
Shaun, you guys are local and members of this forum. The Hunter club would have had little impact on our show. The Dargle event might have been confirmed on March 9 but how long was the date in the mix? I threw out the feelers on February 3 and got no fact I got a number of emails backing that date as being perfect considering the other events on in the following weeks.
Anyway our events off and yours is on the go so it's all good for the sport. Let's forget it and move on.

Offline Shaun G

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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2011, 06:43:15 am »
Firko I'm all for moving on...but not until I respond to your points  ;D

While a number of our group are from the Hills/Hawkesbury areas, our membership come from the South Coast, Sydney Metro, Central Coast and Newcastle/Upper Hunter.

As our event is a race meeting it would be unlikely that a large number of your attendees would favour us over your static display. Equally the vast majority of our members would be unlikely to attend the show and shine. Especially as we are a Pre '90 focused group.

I would think that the Hunter club day would have a larger impact on your numbers than you are giving them credit for and wonder why you are not directing your comments to that club as well?

Yes the date was in the mix for quite a while. However as you would know, I was not able to make public any discussions with the club as they had not had the chance to run it through their committee let alone pass it by their wider membership. My announcement was made on the day I was given the all clear by the host club.

Once again I will state that the date was not chosen by us. We are trying to get Pre '90 racing happening in NSW and are grateful for the opportunity we have been given to race on April 3. It's unfortunate that it would have clashed with your event but seeing as the two events are totally different in nature I don't think we should be held up for ridicule or as the reason why you felt the need to cancel the show and shine.


« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 06:55:09 am by 2SEVEN »


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Re: Second Annual Klub Kevlar Show'n'Shine.
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2011, 08:15:18 am »
OK, seeing as this won't go away, I'll respond to one part of Shauns reply then walk away.

As our event is a race meeting it would be unlikely that a large number of your attendees would favour us over your static display. Equally the vast majority of our members would be unlikely to attend the show and shine. Especially as we are a Pre '90 focused group.
The words that resonate in the above paragraph are your and our. Our event is a show to firstly, display our sport to a pulic that's unaware of our existence and secondly, to raise some money for worthy causes within our movement. Unless I've read it all wrong, your group is a part of the overall VMX sport and for that reason I would have thought that using the opportunity to promote the Pre 90 movement to the general public would be a positive thing. The first sentence "As our event is a race meeting it would be unlikely that a large number of your attendees would favour us over your static display".  shows a lack of understanding as to the concept of our show. The show is to promote all facets of vintage off road motorcycling so to think our target entrant and yours is different is plain and simply wrong. We wanted the pre 90 guys to think that they were welcome.
Because my main interest lies in the pre 75 movement doesn't mean that the Show'n'Shine is concentrated on those bikes.  All divisions are welcome and encouraged, even speedway and dirt track.

Shaun I honestly admire what you've done to get the Pre 90 group where you are and fully understand your dedication and passion. I was once "you" so I know how hard it is. I was amiss in not including the Hunter in my criticism but please remember that we're all in this together, them and us attitudes are not what we're about.
United we stand, divided we fall. ;D