Not many places have off the shelf shocks for these that are the right overall length, travel, body and eye length etc. They are an odd shock. Fairly long body, long stroke and long overall length, then they have that cone shaped spacer above the eye that acts as a travel reducer as well which needs to be taken into consideration. Pretty much nothing off another bike is ideally suitable. ITC shocks are about the same length but don’t have enough travel and the bodies are too long. You cant simply fit a shorter eye, longer shaft and shorter body to make them like the KLX shocks because the ITC has the hydraulic bottom out housed in the top of the body which is in the way so your better off to get new bodies which are about $30-35 US each. A few places like Works and Falcon have them and most other companies like Ohlins can specially make them. You would still be up for around $900-$1200 though. Someone told me that there is going to be a guy in Australia offering new Ohlins for VMX bikes for a really good price, but im not sure if that has eventuated. With Piggyback Ohlins you got to modify your muffler/pipe or use a different one and there is a bit of work needed to be done to the sidecover which I was told because of the piggyback res getting in the way. With remotes you don’t have that problem though. You might find some el-cheapos for a couple hundred dollars but they wont perform very well or last. Don’t overlook getting the standard ones rebuilt though, They would almost be the next best option to getting some top shelf shocks because they are dimensionally right. Its takes bit of work to do it all properly and improve them a bit but it can be done but its still going to be several hundred or more to do a good job. You can fit Ohlins pistons or modern KYB pistons inside them. I got the Ohlins part numbers to build KLX shocks out of Ohlins bits and I was going help a guy with a KLX do it using some donor bits from some Husqvarna shocks, but he has now just decided to use the husqvarna shocks as they are now, even if the stroke is too short. I don’t know what his long term plans are. Theres pretty much only one combination of Ohlins parts to use to make them dimensionally the same as the original shocks. It all depends on what your using the bike for, eg high end VMX racing, or just non competive trail/vinduros etc.