Oh god, spare me please.
I think some of you guys have your bra straps up too tight causing too much angst.
Typically some one thinks that MAV have spent too much money on Broadford.
While others think they haven’t spent enough.
“MA don’t do anything for our sport”
“Why is MA getting involved with our sport”
Or how about….
“The Nats ran at a loss, how dare they”
They made a profit from the Nats, how dare they.
I don’t think you understand Davey, If we treated you like second class citizens is because we thought you were actually 3rd class citizens and we were trying to upgrade you.
From what I heard the only proposal to run the Nats this year was WA which refused to run the post 75 events. Rather than having no Evo classes they encouraged Preston to run the event with all classes.
If their were no Evo classes this year I could see the same whingers complaining about MA not doing anything for our sport.
And with the support they got locally I wonder why they bothered.
The Broadford complex has been around since at least 76 with the first races that I know of in late 77. It’s been slowly growing over the years, and I believe the Road Race track does quite well.
Money well “wasted” in my opinion
The powers that be want lots of infrastructure at their tracks for the GP’s.
This isn’t necessarily what I believe in but it’s the way it is.
That’s why the pit sheds and other buildings were built for the earlier GP’s
So if MA have to fork out for buildings then naturally they will do it for their own track, otherwise it would be accused of wasting “our” money if they built stuff on tracks owned by others.
So it doesn’t surprise me that they chose Broadford.
I agree Barrabool would make a better GP track and I think it’s great that they “wasted our money” by buying it, but its early days down their, if they can sort the locals out then it could easily grow into a great complex.
The main problem with the Broadford MX track that I see is that it’s been forced into too small an area and it twists & turns back on itself too often.
And with the Mini bike parent influence that seems to have come in it’s hard to get changes made for the better as I believe the wrong track designers have too much influence now.
One good thing about the GP being there is the track will be upgraded to better specs. The first GP’s their forced the removal of the truck tyres from the trackside, something that the Mini bike brigade kept moving onto the track to force their little Johny to take the right lines, but they were very unforgiving if you hit them.
Next election I think I will vote Conondale for Prime Minister