My turn - just thought of one - and no not you this time worms
When you put your frame into the powdercoaters and he says it will be a while because they shut down over Christmas - yeah no dramas with this. So you finally get your frame back after the backlog end of January. Start putting the lovely smick bit of gear back together and the powdercoating starts cracking. MMM don't really know much about this but don't think this should be happening. Take it back to My Powdercoater and ask what has happened - oh we had better re-do it. 3 months later after chasing, chasing and more chasing (he already has my cash) he says it might be ready by Wednesday - take the opportunity to voice my dissatisfaction with this and during the conversation (animated at that) he says black won't be run for anotherr week and 1/2 anyway - so I said how can my frame be ready by Wednesday then as it's black!!!!!!!
4 1/2 months to get a frame powdercoated - lets say I don't go back there again.
Oh - and worms - Happy Christmas!!!!