Firko knows... he had one (MX400B that is, he wore {whore} his vibrator out years ago )
You're really stretching the connection here John
. Yep I certainly owned a 400 B and fully agree that it was the hot ticket in the 500 class in 1975 (along with the the GP Husky). I certainly did love racing it but it wasn't long (6 months) before it became outclassed by newer and better stuff from Europe and was quickly sold off. In the meantime the old Maico I'd owned for five years prior to the MX-B is still is still in my shed today, still capable of winning races and
doesn't vibrate . I've never understood or got involved in this "my bike is better than your bike" "Maicos (
or Yamaha/Suzuki/Honda/Husky or whatever) are shit" discussions. I own Yamaha, Suzuki, Maico, Ducati,Honda and Benelli and have equal respect for them and for any other brand of bike. Lifes too short to keep laying shit on other peoples bikes of choice.
YZ490 barrell is a direct copy of a Maico 490 (porting 100% copy)
Somehow I think Radar may be having a bit of a lend here. Even if he is, the Maico came first so the argument goes out the window.