Wow!! These old photos are fantastic. Mostly taken by Mums' and Dad's following their kid's dreams.
There are over 100 pages of photos and stories/memories on here and I love it! Short Circuit Racing
to me was just the best thing. Everything about it was good back in the day imo. The tracks, the riders,
the crowds and especially the Sliders. Hagon Japs, Jawas, Weslakes, Goddens etc. etc.
Just wondering about access to professional pics by photographers such as Bill Meyer and
Graeme Wungluck. They took some fantastic pictures throughout the Golden Era of Short Circuit and it
would be a shame if they were locked away forever. Does anybody know these blokes or have contact
details? I realise there would be a fee but I would be willing to pay. A pictorial history of Short Circuit
Racing in Oz would be fabulous. cheers Mark