Wow, a photo of an Aussie icon. Sadly, as good as you were as a rider Don, and how good your photos are (
keep 'em coming) I don't mean you, or Hearny for that matter.
In the background of the top photo of you and Hearny at Jerilderie there's a bloke on top of the hill behind you resplendent in beige polyester walk shorts, Fabyani non iron nylon sports shirt and the piece de resistance, a nice pair of long socks and what I hope is a pair of beige Windsor Smith slip on casuals.
The 'ensemble is topped off by a nicely Brylcreemed brush back and neatly manicured sideburns. You just know he had a 'bug rake' in his back pocket.
Damn that was a good look.
It reminds me so much of my dad it hurts!