I had never really noticed that both of us are looking down in the pictures. I might be because we walk the sections before riding them, you therefore know what comes next, and concentrate on where your wheels are and not on what is coming up.
I know that we had a lot of trouble getting over the rock that we are straddling in the first picture. The sidecar wheel would catch and hang-up on the rock and cause the rear wheel to skid/slide around to the right. I would have been trying to get the outfit to turn right, to try and keep forward momentum when the picture was taken. We didn't get past this point on this attempt, however, we did get through the section clean later, by taking a slightly higher line and running further up the C grade/junior solo line visible in the forground before turning right to go around the next rock outcrop that the solos rode over.
In the second picture, we are approaching a rock ledge/step that is just out of shot. I would actually be looking at the step, trying to judge the exact right time to loft the front wheel to get us up and over it.