(hint) When trying to get the sidecar wheel over a rock like that the passenger has to 'disappear' (levitate).
I had a passenger, Rob Wilson, back in the late 70's early 80's who was very good at levitation. We manager two SA B grade championships together 1980, 1982, but were eventually promoted to A grade "never to be relegated" and couldn't quite cut it against Deiner/Holmes Leigh Holamby, Nip Kerschner etc. Wilso eventually swung for Roger Greenhalch and picked up an Aust title with him during the mid 80's. Those were the good old days of over a dozen outfits at every trial and 20 odd at the Aust titles.
I will admit that Samantha did an absolutely brilliant job for her first ever outing on an outfit (I am discounting the rides she had as a toddler). How often is it now days that your child will actually listen to what you tell them, let alone actually try and do it. I am still working on getting her to passenger for me at this years Peter Sparks, hopefully she will have forgotten the fear and pain of bouncing down a hill with an out of control outfit!