Author Topic: An appeal  (Read 5845 times)

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Re: An appeal
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2009, 12:16:45 am »
Ah... I was going to leave it at that, but I've actually got the opposite problem on another forum - there's one persistant cock who won't go away, despite having been caught out abusing his influence within the club.

Anyone got any input on how to make him take the leap?

(FWIW: This guy is a psycho in real life, its not limited to forum warriors).

;) ;D

Offline maicomc490t

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Re: An appeal
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2009, 01:09:12 am »
Holy Shit Batman !!!

Enough already.

A lot of us on OZVMX have been cruising this, and the old style forum for any number of reasons (especially during the hiatus of the great VMX quarterly), but at the end of the day it is for LIGHT entertainment and an extension of the camaraderie that is usually reserved for race days and beer o'clock in mates sheds.

Evil Rudy does make a good point regarding the hijacking of his original thread but it has gone from light banter to vitriolic cat fighting which has never occurred on the forum before so I guess we have to look at what or who has changed the etiquette or thrown it out altogether.

Rudy old mate - it sounds like you know shit about the inner workings of your bike and this site has a wealth of informed and talented people here who could be of great help to you in getting things put right. Amongst the chiding and the bling pictures there was a lot of useful information but as Graeme says he can shut this forum down in a blink. Personally I would miss the forum a lot but if the presence of OZVMX means good souls who have been on here for ages are insulted and feel compelled to bail out then is it all worth it?

For me it may mean having to dig deeper for obscure information but that is it.

I am a pretty competent spanner man, machinist and survivor who can split cases and not be daunted at the prospect of re-assembling to factory specs, press apart and re-align cranks, skim drums as required, do my own commercial grade blasting (and yeah guys the vapour blaster is finished and should be installed in the next few weeks!!!) source parts and other services etc etc. Bottom line - I don't have a Sprinter van and a company fuel card but who gives a shit as I can survive just the way I have for years and take pride in doing all my own (and plenty of others) work for them, in between being a full time firey.

We have 'met' guys on the forum who can barely put two words together and yet we have considered them our friends, even if we have never seen them in person and have NEVER put shit on someone for their spelling, or grammar or their names (If Marc was Christened Marcus and cuts it to Marc that is his business and referring to his parents etc is lower that a snakes arse)

If you feel your thread has been stuffed by 'pimp my ride' then you sound like you are just the eloquent gent to steer things back onto the path of righteous salvation so you are not taking your Zook to CD6 in kit form !!!

EVERYONE lighten up, step back form the abyss and make up.

Rudy my friend if you don't like the forum either start your own or move on as we were all doing very well before, and if you stay you may just learn something other than the brilliant command of the Queens English you pride yourself in. Acquaint yourself in the ways of the unwashed and enjoy the world as our all Aussie OZVMX was / is - we welcome anyone no matter where they are from or what they ride (we do don't we. lol???).

To our friends who have left - come back and enjoy life and remember;

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Go in peace brothers (and sisters - sorry Alison, lol !!!),

Dave Mac  ;D

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Offline Graeme M

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Re: An appeal
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2009, 06:55:35 am »
Nicely said.

I made a comment earlier about the grief I've had lately over a few things said on this site, and also how much time it takes to keep on top of it which at the moment is time I don't have (there's an IT175 and a YZ250 that need me more!). I don't know that the forum has lost its mojo, just that we now have a wider and more diverse group than when we started out (a bit like VMX in general). I actually like that. And I do enjoy the odd argument too (except when I cop threats over it!).

All that said, I do take the point that some folks take offence, some get misunderstood, and some probably should reread their posts before they hit the send button.

In this case, I was following the post and I thought things were fine, right up until it all went a bit weird. I think everyone over-reacted a bit, and ER probably didn't need to keep it going. I have had a few calls to ban this wayward seeker of truth but I've also been told that to do so would leave him wandering the wilderness muttering incoherently at all manner of innocent creatures. Small furry creatures. Who'd probably rather be left alone. Mostly.

So, I think we've all said our piece and I am hoping that Evil (and his good twin Nice Rudy) has seen the error of his ways and will once more cohabit with the rest of us on a much more acceptable basis (and by the way, I don't think he's a newbie, I am sure he's been a member for ages).

If not, well. I might just have to call Wes.

Evil, you sound like you ride HEAVEN. If you keep on disturbing the good folk here, I'll have to organise a damn good roosting by CR500s at the first round. You'll be lashed to the starting gate for one full-on race start by Pre 85...

So there.

Offline Noel

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Re: An appeal
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2009, 09:15:51 am »
Nice Graeme,  :D

« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 09:18:16 am by Noel »

Evil Rudy

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Re: An appeal
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2009, 10:50:59 am »
Wow, you’re all right. I’ve been such an ass. I’m ashamed of my behaviour. I should be more thoughtful of others. I’ve prayed over it and from now on I’ll turn over a new leaf...

Right after a get a few things straight.

oldschool, when and if you hear me speak you’ll realise that that I’m  in no way part of the intelligencia. It’s strictly blue collar NY with every clichéd swear word and miss use of the English language that movies make fun of. I had thought (after 17 year living here) that sarcasm was acceptable... until Doc and Marc took umbrage.  Then everyone just had to have an opinion. That’s fine, I take my licks like anyone and I’m not the overly sensitive type. However, there still lurks a bit of a Jerry Springer episode in all of us and mine came out for a walk. I’m sorry Marc for offending you – tell you wife I’m a Habs fan, and I even know where the name came from. I’m sorry Red Devil for insinuating you are illiterate.

maicomc490t you are right as well. I did make a good point about hijacking the thread, but I need to scale back the sarcasm so those of thinner skin don’t feel so offended. The comment about the van / fuel card is miss aligned. It’s not about what I have – “look at me” – it’s my way of offering magoo a ride (or anyone willing to risk 12 hours with me), or at least a cavern to stick some bikes in for the long haul. It may very well be someone else asking me if I could bring something up or  back for them. I’m no June Cleaver, so you will never hear me ask “does anyone want me to take something for them”.

Graeme’s right. I’ve been around a while then left because it was always a bitch fight about the then Heaven constabulary. Hell I didn’t even race last year. You’re also right about the wide and diverse group we have here. In most sociological setting you have a club – say a cricket club, based around one geographical location. Socioeconomically they tend to be the same people. Same mores, same customs, same dialect.

Here it’s very different. While some around the Heaven region “get me” someone else in another state just wont and will be incensed at my lack of tact. Like I said, I need to vanilla some of my comments.

Graeme, who’s Wes? And if you can strap me to anything you can have me. Shit I’m so slow I get roosted all the time – its just 5 laps at a time.

I’ll preface this – I have no idea of the motivating factors as to why, and this probably means I’ll never write an article for VMX, and I’ll probably start having to buy my issues at the newsstand BUT, in any conversation I’ve had OR been in where your name has come up, I haven’t heard one person make a positive comment about you.

Yesterday – even in the self inflicted shit storm I caused – I still got three.

When we finally have more than a passing nod I hope it to be untrue.

I still blame Guns n’ Roses. I’m sorry, I’ll try to behave.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 11:36:44 am by Graeme M »

Offline paul

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Re: An appeal
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2009, 11:17:51 am »
what a bunch off forking  girls , you said this, he said that ,get real ,i get forking death treats 2 am phone calls im going to get ya ,emails  all sorta shit my mrs told me to stop useing her email lol cause she sick off it
mostly from wes aka rubberneck   and all because i had answered a for sale add and  the the turd was playing games  with some thing that didnt exist and i called him a liar
 ive keept the pm treats i recieved from the forum just for a laugh

« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 11:37:49 am by Graeme M »

Offline Graeme M

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Re: An appeal
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2009, 11:21:05 am »
Geez, look, I take a relaxed view and people are still arcing up. Stop now and let's keep to the real subject - old dirt bikes.

Wes was a guy who was fairly active and then somehow got into a slanging match over nothing much and fired up like you wouldn't believe. Sure he copped a bit of crap but his response was way over the top. So he's banned and he gets referred to a bit whenever there is a bit of a shitfight.

Pau, I edited your post because you used the C word that we all agreed a little while back isn't on.

And I think that was ER saying he'll try to be good from now on...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 11:23:32 am by Graeme M »