I have unfinished projects dating back 25+ years. It's a mental disorder that's the polar opposite of those who are OCD and have to have everything finished and in neat order.
Symptoms include:
The inability to clean up or tidy your shed. You may make many attempts, but are usually distracted half way through by finding an unfinished project you forgot about, or going to the tip and bringing home a new one.
You can't buy a complete running motorcycle. The more disassembled and cruddy it is, the more attractive it is.
You may be half way through a restoration an find your missing a bolt. It takes three weeks to find it, by then you've bought two new projects.
Eventually over time you find your whole life is one unfinished project, from the broken gate hinge, the miss firing lawnmower, the leaking roof, the bathroom tiling, the out of control Bindi, to the point that the bikes become a forgotten memory, except when you have to push past them to find the chainsaw that you need to fix to cut back the tree blocking your driveway.