General Discussion / Re: Any old boys still here ?
« on: February 03, 2024, 02:44:02 pm »
Hoony that bike frame was built for me I think it was 1986 (VMC copy with a extension at the head stem that I requested for more stability) . I hand luggaged a complete 540 without a frame from Zurich to Melbourne , after the last race in Spain. Two or three nights of marrying the pieces to the new frame at Wayne Mankins garage in Moorabbin , a spin up and down the bitumen road a couple pics for AMCN and then off in the HR Holden to Raymond Terrace NSW for the ozzi titles with little sleep. Imagine hand luggaing this today ....Tank , Swingarm Engine , Seat and Radiators. We still had ashtrays in the plane then and the service with food and beverages was generous. A packet of Winfield Blue was 95 cents and a pot of beer a 1$