I do not think covid is to blame for decline in numbers. I would blame what some call “progress”. When you remember how this forum started in early 2000, the members consisted mainly from pre 65 , pre 75 , pre 80 and pre 85 (what VMX is really all about) . That era, when men were men. Most of them were connected directly as riders from that era and everyone knew each other more or less. So, the forum was a great way to connect between the fast distances and states. By the end of the first decade however, things started to change. MA detected a new category to milk and encouraged bums on seats from then on. New faces streamed in. Some good, and others too. Bikes became 5% lighter and 10% faster than the same original winning factory bike of that particular era…..The flood gates opened to welcome the plastic bikes that demanded different tracks for those new customers. Facebook welcomed and embraced those new champions to take well care of them. Not long after that, the rainbow struck as well and from then on, it all went downhill to this day. There are still a few old faces that lurk and shake their heads, but do not comment anymore. Also some have passed and every x-mas is one less x-mas for everyone else too .