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Messages - Devilman

Pages: [1]
sorry dude.. got carried away. .  axes to grind tee hee ... and  viper 666 got me fired up with something else he posted somewhere else & I got distracted... what evo would you parade??? its only like one month away

dude the track won't be suitable for classic...evo minimum .. now days for modern racing they dig the track... water .. get some lines to develop drag your feet off the classic.. where as they would run hard pack blue groove where ever you went unless it rained pre 2000 .. even AMA is shocking track prep pre 98 check out Gainsville 97125 ama nat on youtube.. track is ... sketchy.. go back 93..  its an insane dust hole that they ride balls out on.. its crazy..

we've become spoilt riding brats I swear these days...its hard for a clas sick to make a lap on a prepped
modern track without looking pedestrian .... pre 89 or roll... did I just wreck everything perko?? you wrecked every thing with that onesy you travelled the country in plying your stunt riding techniques... seriously though .. thatwas pretty cool dude ... best fun ever right???

The 89 125 is a sweet ride... doesn't get too scary... evo 250 goes fast but stopping it is intense... 84 125 needs a clutch job.. the 89 500 and 250 would be too scary for sure.. will get the strength and courage to race the 500 one day... will leave to my bro he loves it.. He's a dumb ass ;D

I'm interested in promoting by parading.... how many laps ??? How much to parade these laps and will it be when the tracks is dry??? wont work otherwise... I'm just saying... ;D

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 17, 2015, 09:28:04 pm »
 my bro is a legend... Old mate left me nothing to do but make my own sandwich at lunch time.... he had my spy goggles hooking up.. my Michelin  tyres gave me great vision all day...  they provided me the edge I needed to be in a position to benefit from the bad luck of others.... yes sir that coke zero is poor tasting beverage  :o

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:50:46 pm »
gdr it was not what you think... It was a 3 day museum challenge punctuated with 10%Alcvol beer made by monks and much vomit... friendships were strained.... and the fricken cyclists mopeds trams cobbled roads made for a bunch of close calls just getting to a museum.... I pulled out after the first museum

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:29:30 pm »
Ted... did you say late 2014??? Shoot.. I was in Amsterdam.. Missed the whole damn thing.... Love the RIJKS museum :-X.. How did you fare in PORTO???

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:16:08 pm »
Good to hear Champ...  Any word on Jakey from ASHS SPOKED WHEELS... event co sponsor....

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:07:11 pm »
No chance.. of me showing..

one lucky, broke a$$, well satisfied aussie champ here ... looking forward to an extended period of basking in the glow of my gold  and bronze medals...  MA piece of history... You might have had a chance... we'll never know..... Glen Bell will own it... who's staring a book?? without looking at a list of entries gotta be sweet odds on moto sweep by the Champ

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:51:58 pm »
Good to hear your home safe Champ... Thanks for coming....  No dramas on the homeward leg?? hammy cramps??? always the worst after a coupla days of race action... theres nowhere to stretch it out in the car.. specially if your driving right

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:22:11 pm »
 ;) Had to at least get a little laugh in at the end there champ.. Think you must have been getting that 2nd arm load of trophies so I sticker bombed your $H!t.... there was only 2... or was there????

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 07:23:32 pm »
Ah! TanMan!!! ;D That helmet footage was insane.... we shared a few motos and.. well my red was in front of your green ... so I could see how close Mr Reynolds and I got in T1 moto2 EVO 250....  He filled me in T1 moto1 couldn't get a tear off for like 3 corners....

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 07:01:16 pm »
Mmm I can taste the cow pats in the roost now

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 16, 2015, 05:28:03 pm »
How are the historical facts Big K??? 1926??? Bet they weren't doing the triple

Competition / Re: Post Classic Nats 11-12 April
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:25:11 pm »
SO to you blokes from Vic who never showed ... shame Victoria shame....

 and you dead beats up north who never showed...we expected that .... you know who you are...
even some western Hill-Billys managed to get their camel train across  the desert to attend.... Shalom

Only took my bro a good hour to drive me and Dad to Ravo..  ;)

I got talking to Oz MX Champion John Armstrong at the track... JA to his mates...   and he said his first race at RAVO was like.. 1950 something but the tracks been used since as far back as 1926...  Now JA is like 88years young so these details can become clouded but 1926??? Were they racing Camels??? I was touched with the historical significance..  Possibly oldest operational track in the whole universe !!!! Is there any confirmation for this ???

JA was in the pits his son young Gary who came down and touched up the locals... on the track!!!! Glad I wasn't in that class....

Vanberslow made it down!!! He was all over it... making us look slow and weak... I hate it when he gets all the laughs...
I suffered embarrassment  when holeshot in moto2 of pre90 125 by the red 110h my god I wish he stayed in Qld who came to the  line on his EVO after his pre90 yammy broke....  white puss... I chased and passed him back on my red rocket to win the moto which felt good... untill i hear his shock bolt fell out ... making it more like 110h crap!!!! Sweet victory tasted kinda like... Coke Zero though....   his double misfortune boosted me up the leader board... & after the yellow 150 stepped aside .... I dunno what happened there... Old mate blew my boot savers off moto 1...  then struggled with mechanicals .. yellow puss.. he ended in hospital with some shoulder dislocation  or similar issue after moto3.... At which point I became Aussie Champ!!!

My Bradbury moment....  Magnificent

Bendigo Club!!! I definitely couldn't have done it without your group effort which I grade 10 out of 10  and thank all involved with planning and conducting the event which tested our technical riding skills on sat but allowed us to hang the balls out a bit on sunday which always feels good and lets face it.... its always more fun with exposed gonads ... Right??? ***crickets****

My Bro and Dad both helped and enjoyed my success 

Thanks to all who entered races on the weekend and' in your face' to those who didn't..... You could have had a crack but now have to suffer in your jocks..  knowing you missed a bunch of fun!!!

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