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Messages - DJRacing

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 105
General Discussion / Re: Livewire vmx
« on: February 10, 2015, 05:49:26 pm »
No its gone.

General Discussion / Re: The future of OzVMX
« on: February 08, 2015, 07:10:45 pm »
Let everyone not forget that the passion for old bikes that we all have will show up in the written word, and that is in here, the best VMX forum in the world. The problem with passion is it can run hot or cold as with the topics that can get discussed in here. I for one have enjoyed all the great debates and usually thrown my 2 cents in, or maybe a $1 or 2, but thats what a debate is all about. As one person discribed me, "your like a dog with a bone" and yes I am, but its one thing to debate and another to defame. I have always liked the way Graeme has run this forum and its a credit to him, not an easy task considering how many of you are quick to scream blue murder or straight outright slag another off. My hats off to you Graeme.
I have been a member of this Forum from the start and a member of the old Turk Hacked forum of yesteryear. Both have been an absolute godsend of information and general good banter. But, and theres always one isn't there, the snipes, backstabbing, in your face jibs, the deleted posts and the inane posts have all contributed to the detriment of this great forum.
I don't come in here as often as I used too because of the last two things I said, deleted and inane posts that ruin a good thread. I don't care if someone wants to slag me off or conjure up a load of bullshit. I prefer to stand on top of the bullshit than sink in it. So to all the people who have nothing to add to a good debate/thread other than to say, shut it down, good onya, thats freedom of speech working right there, if you don't like it, don't read it, move on.
To what Graeme is saying (entirely correct) about going through the correct channels with regarding the Rules of VMX, I just hope everyone understands, that without general discussion in an open forum, your understanding/Interpretation of some of the rules could have a completely different meaning to what they actually mean. But then again, head in the sand stuff is always a good look.
Graeme, if I have ever offended you or any member of this forum I sincerely apologise but I will not bow down from a good debate about our sport of VMX. I believe that most members hold VMX close to the heart and generally fight for what they believe to be right or wrong for our sport. That said, I do hope some here re-read their own postings over the years and take a good long think about what they have said.
I will not be changing my avatar, but I have signed enough postings with my full name for all to see over the years.
You know me as DJ and Im still Racing

General Discussion / Re: Claiming Rule
« on: July 22, 2014, 09:31:26 pm »
Yes, didnt the water cooled Hannah bike get ridden by Rond in Europe

General Discussion / Re: ANZac's
« on: July 19, 2014, 04:54:40 pm »
You only need to look at some of the results of probably the most famous of all races, The Isle of Man.

Foto Forum / Re: Just a photo
« on: July 19, 2014, 04:44:45 pm »
The track was at Fordell, about 10k southeast of Wanganui.
I took the photo standing still and following the bikes through the view finder and by using the zoom at the same time as clicking the shutter. I have a couple like this but I would have to find them.

Yamaha / Re: YZ360A/B Cylinder.
« on: July 19, 2014, 03:32:15 pm »
Good luck Morley, if I bought it and put it on my 360B can I say it was raced by "The Legend"  :)

Yamaha / Re: can anyone ID these pegs
« on: July 19, 2014, 03:23:24 pm »
They are not C .  "C" doesn't have the angled brace underneath, well at least they don't on any of my "C's". I have changed the pegs on my X and I can't remember for sure but I do think they are X pegs.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Foto Forum / Re: Just a photo
« on: July 16, 2014, 09:41:43 pm »

Foto Forum / Re: Just a photo
« on: July 16, 2014, 09:37:10 pm »
I just can't leave the thread ending with me on 2 different suzuki's so a pic of the Johnny Old track will be better to look at, and something to ponder over, (pic by Jo, I think)

General Discussion / Re: Bruce Magoo McFarland Trophy
« on: July 15, 2014, 09:09:00 pm »
Thanks for the replies guys, and yes as all trophy's deserve respect but above all they need to be battled for, that's how we show respect for the trophy and remembrance to who's honour is bestowed on it.

Yamaha / Re: YZ 250N
« on: July 15, 2014, 08:41:12 pm »
The YZ250N was a very very good bike in its own right being that it was a very sorted out bike coming from the factory. It was the last time they use that style of rear suspension and the motor was basically the granddaddy of the modern 250 2stroker motor of today(I could be wrong, and I'm sure someone will correct me if I am)
You wouldn't have a problem being out classed running that bike in Pre90 if you dial it in for yourself and as linkage bikes go IMHO the best looking of them all.
It maybe the oldest bike in Pre90 but it certainly wouldn't be the worst. And remember if you bet your fallow races you'll have even more bragging rights  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Bruce Magoo McFarland Trophy
« on: July 15, 2014, 07:47:50 pm »
Can someone tell me about this cool trophy, like how is it competed for. I vaguely remember hearing about it but I can't remember what it is for and I really would like to know.
Magoo was a "good bastard" every time I meet him, and its a prick that the good ones can get taken to soon, today we said good-bye to my cousins' son (22yrs old) real outdoors and hard charging sportsman.

General Discussion / Re: Simons upside down forks
« on: July 14, 2014, 06:29:37 pm »
Dave, Mark didn't make the point 2 comment, he quoted it from Nathan. Marks reply starts at.....
Without wanting (or needing) to.......
I just copied and pasted it from "those poms have lost the plot thread" and when I pasted it up it came up the way it did with no colour to say it was quoted etc.
The thread is in the dumbegon, "those poms have lost the plot" by 090. Nathan's post is on pg4 and Marks post is on pg5.

General Discussion / Re: Simons upside down forks
« on: July 14, 2014, 11:44:00 am »
Back open for your freedom of speech .

General Discussion / Re: Simons upside down forks
« on: July 14, 2014, 08:33:22 am »
You do realize that they are two different quotes in that message, the first one is Firko and he has quoted someone else at the start and then replied to it and then Kawasaki 211 is the very next post after Firko. The only reason for posting it was because I thought the same as Firko and would've thought he might have been corrected.
I will lock this thread now since I think we have all expressed our opinions and let it go though the correct channels.

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