« on: February 08, 2015, 07:10:45 pm »
Let everyone not forget that the passion for old bikes that we all have will show up in the written word, and that is in here, the best VMX forum in the world. The problem with passion is it can run hot or cold as with the topics that can get discussed in here. I for one have enjoyed all the great debates and usually thrown my 2 cents in, or maybe a $1 or 2, but thats what a debate is all about. As one person discribed me, "your like a dog with a bone" and yes I am, but its one thing to debate and another to defame. I have always liked the way Graeme has run this forum and its a credit to him, not an easy task considering how many of you are quick to scream blue murder or straight outright slag another off. My hats off to you Graeme.
I have been a member of this Forum from the start and a member of the old Turk Hacked forum of yesteryear. Both have been an absolute godsend of information and general good banter. But, and theres always one isn't there, the snipes, backstabbing, in your face jibs, the deleted posts and the inane posts have all contributed to the detriment of this great forum.
I don't come in here as often as I used too because of the last two things I said, deleted and inane posts that ruin a good thread. I don't care if someone wants to slag me off or conjure up a load of bullshit. I prefer to stand on top of the bullshit than sink in it. So to all the people who have nothing to add to a good debate/thread other than to say, shut it down, good onya, thats freedom of speech working right there, if you don't like it, don't read it, move on.
To what Graeme is saying (entirely correct) about going through the correct channels with regarding the Rules of VMX, I just hope everyone understands, that without general discussion in an open forum, your understanding/Interpretation of some of the rules could have a completely different meaning to what they actually mean. But then again, head in the sand stuff is always a good look.
Graeme, if I have ever offended you or any member of this forum I sincerely apologise but I will not bow down from a good debate about our sport of VMX. I believe that most members hold VMX close to the heart and generally fight for what they believe to be right or wrong for our sport. That said, I do hope some here re-read their own postings over the years and take a good long think about what they have said.
I will not be changing my avatar, but I have signed enough postings with my full name for all to see over the years.
You know me as DJ and Im still Racing