Basil does the pope shit in the woods? is a bear catholic!! do I wanna '69 bottom end?? bet!!
means I can have a crank machined for the TM rotor and keep the original just incase it all goes pear shaped and goes bang
I'll give Dodge a call tonight..been really sick, hard to reach and totally out of action for a few weeks which is killing me! :'( at least this week I've been able to sit up and sleep and eat like a real person so it's getting back to good slowly
jealous of that bloody RM125M/S FMF head you swooped on too!!
was too slow and too poor to be a serious contender
Mark/Dave, thanks, I have no idea of exact era's and frame designers/manufacturers but I know there was another frame builder involved with Olle about this era..can't recall the name but in the US..seems like a nothing question (the stripe I mean) but it's something I'll run to be a bit different albeit in this instance more anally correct
I'd like to build a '69 rep for simple reason it looks more do-able and the steel guards appeal to me more now than do the plastics of the 70'd and later