Author Topic: Pre 90 VMX  (Read 46131 times)

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Offline mxmaniac

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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #180 on: August 03, 2009, 05:08:06 pm »
Just to keep you fine "ride up a class" type guys happy, I hear a rumour that a certain serial offender from WA has already protested the Nationals because he has entered a pre '65 bike in Pre '65, Pre '70, Pre '75 and Evo and the organisers have said no. What a complete dipshit this bloke is. I'm led to believe it's the same bloke who caused the famous CZ rear sprocket incident in W.A. a few years back. If ever there was a cockwash that should be charged with bringing the sport into disrepute it's this prick.

I'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now thats taking the piss.. ::) when we were at Tassie, everyone was talking about that same flogger from W.A you happen to be talking about.. I bet he has a wicked trophy collection..  from his local trophy shop, paid by himself :-\
Johnny "O-the regs are forked up" :P said there was no protest flag in QLD in an earlier post? I wonder if there will be one at the nats?  
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 05:15:44 pm by mxmaniac »
Maico's, the only way to go.

Offline mxmaniac

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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #181 on: August 03, 2009, 05:16:35 pm »
I can't wait to see the Victorians reaction the first time Karmichael pulls off a perfect cover tackle around the ankles, or does a grapple tackle. Now that will be funny.

AFL is too soft, we need him.. :o
Maico's, the only way to go.

Sun Prarie Jimmy

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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #182 on: August 03, 2009, 05:55:28 pm »
No taking the piss, it is absolutely true. To make matters worse, his protest has been upheld so the club has had to counter protest. The prick has gotta be stopped, he really needs to be taken out the back of the sheds and given the mother of all floggings. You reckon this is a gee up, sorry but it aint. I'm fuming.

Offline BAHNZY

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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #183 on: August 03, 2009, 05:56:24 pm »
Some pages back i asked this;

Aside from some NON MX Evolution Spec machines built after the 31st December (that may be affected), with a Pre78 & Pre85 Class structure in place, what is the point of an Evolution class within the current GCR's?
Rod (BAHNZY) Bahn

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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #184 on: August 03, 2009, 05:58:17 pm »
And if you do an ankle tap in AFL, you'll be brushing your teeth through your asshole for a while to come. :D
Rod (BAHNZY) Bahn


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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #185 on: August 03, 2009, 06:02:20 pm »
No taking the piss, it is absolutely true. To make matters worse, his protest has been upheld so the club has had to counter protest. The prick has gotta be stopped, he really needs to be taken out the back of the sheds and given the mother of all floggings. You reckon this is a gee up, sorry but it aint. I'm fuming.
I heard the same and want him pointed out at riders briefing and jeered . vmx is better without that prick. He has to be put in line by the majority

Offline JohnnyO

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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #186 on: August 03, 2009, 06:12:09 pm »
Mxmaniac i don't reckon there will be any need for a protest flag, this monkey will get taken out for sure in the pre '85 race on his pre '65 machine.
I heard the same news about this wanker from a good source and it's going to cause a shitfight at briefing.
So mate you get to keep your protest flag under your bed for another day.


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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #187 on: August 03, 2009, 06:19:25 pm »
Before EVO came in a year or 2 ago in vic, the 81 490 husky 414 etc, could only run in pre85..
As that was the class it fitted in. Thats why i think its drummed into us that them bikes are pre85 bikes.
When evo came about, it was a class that was what i believe, designated for a bike that came standard with twin shock drum brake?  Which obviously was a class that these bikes could run in legally. So to myself and probably other vics, its as normal as vegimite and cheese to be able to run in both classes.  I have never heard anyone complain about it on race day, from the TASSIE NATIONALS or Victorian series. I am not used too having to have the rules and regs on ya bar pad, under your peak and in your goggles to know whats what at a new race meeting, as i couldn't give a F$#@ who i ride against, u can have the trophy and bragging rights, i just want to enjoy the fun and banter of VMX.
If some rule book junkie had of jacked up and did something about it at Tassie when it supposed to matter the most, it would of been all understood and dead and buried on the 1st day of racing. The oppertunity was there to make a perfect example of the 81 490 riding up or down a class, but why didn't anyone? Then you would of all been able to sleep at night.  
 Where were you all when the nationals were on at Tassie? Why didn't you guys put the issue too bed on that weekend?  I gather you were all there as you wouldn't want to miss something that is so importants to u? "THE NATS".. or is it only important now because its QLD ???

I sort of here you that you have been running clases since day dot. After talking to someone today that has been in the scene since day dot, he told me that you cant ride up in any of the other early classes which confirms what i have been on about. Its not that i want era racing, the people that started this whole thing made it that way and it is reflected in most of the rules. Its just not spelt out when the later classes came on board. That is where i base my argument on.
The whole ' i've only got one bike' thing is tending to come across as a guilt trip.Even if you are struggling and cant come up with any cash for a second budget racer to conform, then its one class for you unless the club has a one bike class a la QVMX.
Your misfortune doesn't need to be a guilt trip on others at the same meeting that conform to the rules . Please don't think i am disrespectful but surely that is life.
To answer your question re where were you at the Nat's?
As much as i tried, the logistics and dollars required stopped me in the end. Also money lost while not working was another major. It killed me to stay home.


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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #188 on: August 03, 2009, 06:26:42 pm »
Can we at least ban the riding gear and hair styles from the late 80's?
Hmmm I can get out my old fluoro pink Rat jersey, pants, gloves and fluoro Helmet! Yeessssss 


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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #189 on: August 03, 2009, 06:30:11 pm »
Hey Brad and John, you're spending too much time defending yourselves. Don't bother, nobody is more passionate about vintage than you guys so let it go. These blokes have got their opinions and even though they're wrong, you aint gonna change it. Let it go.

Offline JohnnyO

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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #190 on: August 03, 2009, 06:36:02 pm »
Hey Brad and John, you're spending too much time defending yourselves. Don't bother, nobody is more passionate about vintage than you guys so let it go. These blokes have got their opinions and even though they're wrong, you aint gonna change it. Let it go.
You're dead right, i would be far better in the garage getting bikes ready than wasting time here.
Thankyou for your words of wisdom wise one. :D


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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #191 on: August 03, 2009, 06:50:09 pm »
No worries Sweetcheeks, any time. I'm with Brad, let's name, shame and humiliate the Western Australian deadshit who is continually trying to damage our beloved sport. I reckon we get someone to point him out at riders briefing and aim a few well aimed barbs at the bastard. He really needs to be stopped.

All Things 414

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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #192 on: August 03, 2009, 06:50:49 pm »
I really for the life of me cannot work out the problem you guys have with this concept. It isn't riding up a class as Evo is not an era based concept. It is a mechanical one.
And as for Brads claim that he wants to keep Pre-85 'pure' or whatever the term he uses is, I'm at a loss about that as well? Trying to make Pre85 totally water-cooled, disked braked and linkaged suspension is in no way making the class 'true'. This is the era when the change came about so it should look quite natural that these two types of bikes were running together.
And Magoo. You can come and tell me how wrong I am when you come to Barrabool in a few weeks time.  >:(


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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #193 on: August 03, 2009, 06:53:56 pm »
The prick has gotta be stopped,
Alison told me the bloke in question isn't coming to the Nats this year but I did see the name "Peter" on her W.A. rider list list so.....who knows? Magoo and Jimmy...The bloke is a serial protester, he's the bloke who threatened to protest my Maico at Coffs if it'd beaten his BSA. He's as evil as Bindi Irwin.
This is a good debate. Some good points have been made from both camps and it's stayed fairly civil. It's great to see you guys get pumped on something you feel strongly about. For once I'm more than happy to sit on my soap box and watch this one.  
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 06:59:26 pm by firko »


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Re: Pre 90 VMX
« Reply #194 on: August 03, 2009, 07:01:14 pm »
I'm not sure if that's threat or an invitation Ross. Either way I'm not coming to Barrabool as much as I'd love to. I repeat, why put it 1 week after the nats? I really want to do a Viper meeting this year but with 3 trips to Queensland and a limited budget it aint gonna happen.