I was finished with this but I awoke this morning to find that my comments have upset some folks, especially Doc. So here goes....
1. these bikes are nowhere even near this country so why is everyone getting there hackles up
Where the bikes are is irrelevent. They were presented on
this forum to incite opinions and I've offered mine. As I've replied to Jeff on the RM Suzuki thread, what's more important here is the right to have an opinion. I've merely offered a differing opinion to yours Chris, nothing more. It's obviously upset you but that was far from my intention.
2. aren't people allowed to use some creativity to build their bikes how they like
They most certainly are and I gladly admit that this bloke and others like him have been extremely creative. The big question though is
Why have they been so creative? De engineering a bike isn't a sane thing to do unless you have a reason to do so. The reason in these bike's case is to take advantage of loopholes in the inadequately formatted Euro Twin Shock rules. It wouldn't take a lot of research to find similar criticism of these bikes from other Twin Shock racing fans and racers in Europe and the UK. If these bikes were being built for any other reason I wouldn't really care. I do care when they are used to undermine what should be a simple set of rules for a simple VMX class.
your absolute pride and joy is literally being picked to pieces would you not be offended
Yeah I probably would but that's not the point. I've been building 'left field' bikes since VMX started and have always hoped that people liked the bikes but have reluctantly agreed that sometimes I'm not going to please everybody. (
I built a fluro Pink Maico FFS!) I'd like to think our Belgian/Dutch friends would be used to any criticisms by now.
if we were all sucked into the main stream and excepted all rules were not to be broken then it would be a pretty crappy world, individualism and creativity would be lost and you'd simply become a puppet. You'd just be manipulated into living someone elses ideals (or building someone elses dream) and not your own.
I couldn't agree more strongly. Individuality is the key to our enjoyment in every facet of life. It's what makes us individuals. Individuality also alows us to offer a different opinion to what others may think, it's the very foudation of our free society. Where our mate has the perfect right to do whatever he chooses with his bike, I also have the right to voice my opinion of it on an open forum.