Author Topic: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6  (Read 2148 times)

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Offline vmxken

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Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« on: May 31, 2009, 07:56:14 am »
I've started this as a new thread so it doesn't get lost in the twenty pages of discussion in the eligibility topic.

The Chair of the Classic Motocross Commission, Dave Tanner, has volunteered to provide a Q & A session at CD6.  This will be a fantastic opportunity to have any of your remaining questions answered.  Members of the Sunshine Coast Club will also be on hand should you have any general questions on the event.

It is anticipated that this will be held at around 6.30pm on the Saturday evening.  The Q & A session will be held where the other Saturday night 'social' activities are being held, and follow the trivia giveaways (bulk Suzuki gear, Bel-Ray prize packs, and more) and the interview with Anthony Gunter.

Our thanks to Dave.  See you there!



Offline Nathan S

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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2009, 09:03:09 am »
Good stuff - thanks Ken and thanks Dave.

Are you supplying the flak-jackets, or do we have to bring our own?  :D
The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.


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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2009, 10:10:26 am »
Jeez.......Dave had better have his homework done for that gig.  ::)
Brian Clarke, Dave Tanner, myself and others (depending on which state the event was being held)used to chair similar Q & A on the Saturday night of the Nats. Although the idea was based on good intentions,  it unfortunately nearly always degenerated into becoming a soapbox for rule pedants and one issue pests.  Nearly every year it was the same people hoisting the same pedantic questions at the 'experts', and shouting down anyone who had a different opinion to their own. The meetings were eventually discontinued after one disruption too many  by the serial pests. I seriously hope these nongs, (or their clones)don't attend Daves Q&A at Conondale as these type of meetings are beneficial to those genuinely seeking clarity in their understanding of the rules. The meeting shouldn't be a sounding board for those seeking their own rule change agenda.

Offline Lozza

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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2009, 10:42:57 am »
The meeting shouldn't be a sounding board for those seeking their own rule change agenda.

Thereby having their guaranteed attendence  :-\
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Offline Bamford#69

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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2009, 12:51:45 pm »
A Q&A for Clarification of the GCR's is a great idea as long as a Breathalyser is used at the front door, or it is done before the Bar has opened ,
As long as people understand  it won't be a forum to get the rules changed or to whinge and whine  over past decisions you don't agree with.
Licensed Officials, Riders and Entrants only to be admitted, Iv'e seen these well intended meetings turn into  a S*** fight by "rent a crowd" D***heads. 

Offline maicomc490t

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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2009, 01:43:48 pm »
OK - I declare my lack of experience and therefore prepare myself to be a sitting duck just like when as a kid at the back of the hallowed meetings of the Willoughby MCC (what a f...... mistake it was getting caught up with them back then especially when I didn't live anywhere near the friggin north shore)

While the Q & A is a good idea due to the myriad of issues annoying a lot of riders can someone explain to me why, if bikes, items, engineering processes or whatever where available during a given era they have to be dissected in the greatest detail today?

Surely if a rider can produce SOUND and IRREFUTABLE evidence that such and such bikes, carbies, engineering techniques and concepts or WHATEVER were available in let's say 1964. Why all the bullshit and committees? I would have thought it a very simple process to prove the existence of period bike, parts etc with the onus on the applicant.

Needless confusion and endless committees, to say nothing of a minority of pathetic pedants that pervade a sport that is supposed to be about having fun?

I could understand to a degree if the trophies where for exactitude in period restoration a la concourse de elegance bullshit but I thought this sport was about getting out racing around with a good bunch of guys and not really giving a shit where you ended up at the end of a race so long as you had a smile on your face. THAT I believe is why the pre 65, pre 70 and to a lesser degree pre 75 classes are struggling where EVO and pre 85 are doing well and bike costs aren't really a factor as suggested elsewhere in the forum as some will happily part company with $13000 plus for a Maico, an HL500 etc. If a part is no longer available surely a facsimile representation would do the trick to keep the bike in question going, but no, if it doesn't meet certain criteria you are out = smaller grids = less exciting racing.

Walter if it is pre 74 wood wouldn't it be 4" x 2" x 3.3 ft as per clause ?

As Pauline said - "Please explain?"


Dave Mac  ;)

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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2009, 02:08:24 pm »
Its a 4 x 2 by 1 Meter long (made from pre 74 wood). ;D 

The prob is that it will have to be a GCR approved Noggin Knocker. It will need to be an approved, scrutineered and subject to inspection by the MA's clerk of course or the MA's stewards. The Sargent -at-arms and custodian of the Noggin Knocker for the meeting will need to be MA trained, certified and licensed as per GCR's. All details of the use of the noggin knocker will need prior written MA approval which is to be sought in the normal manner of 2 weeks notice in writing by means of an application form accompanied insurance details and last decibel test results, all in triplicate, and with the standard MA fees. All stages of the 'administrator of Noggin Knocker' is subject to the normal protest procedures.

Well, that's my understanding. Maybe one of the GCR guru's might like to clarify the issue. ;D


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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2009, 02:10:13 pm »

What we are trying to do here is to engage the riders in the process, if you know how and or why something happens you are better for it. In the past there has been this us and them attitude; that really has no basis other than its an attitude that should change.

What I want to do is to unload on you how, what, when and why things work. If all that happens is some inderviduals wish to hijack the meeting with their own agenda then thats a shame but Im there to answer as many of the questions as I can. Those that I cant answer I will undertake to reasearch but in the main I should be OK with most things.

Have to say Im a tad dissapointed in the respondants to this thread who are already there with the negativity. You have to understand that every sport at a National level has a rule book weather its football, gymnastics, ping pong - whatever and someone behind the scenes has to administer it. You may not understand how the State LCB, Club, MA thing works you will after Saturday night.

For those who dont know me I have had 10 years as Chairman of the VMX / CDT committee and up untill 2 years ago I chaired the Queensland State Historic Committee for 15 or so years. Have been in VMX since 1989.

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Dave Tanner

Offline vmx42

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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2009, 02:15:22 pm »
I know we were promised 'Entertainment' on the Saturday night at CD6, but I bet this isn't exactly what most people had in mind.

It could be 'Entertainment, but not as we know it'. I hope it doesn't kill the fun vibe.

Good luck Dave, I know you have the best intentions!!!
When a woman says "What?", it's not because she didn't hear you, she's giving you the chance to chance to change what you said.

Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life down hereā€¦

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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2009, 02:49:26 pm »
My learned mate Jikov remembers the exact reason why many of the previous attempts at this type of meeting often turned to shit.....Alcohol. In theory most people can behave themselves with a couple of beers under the belt but at previous meetings we saw the devils nectar turn normal, well behaved people turn into mouthy dickheads intent on getting their agenda heard, thereby disrupting the meeting. This kind of Q&A session is essential for those needing clarification on any grey areas in relation to the upcoming Nats and I hope that Dave gets the respect he deserves for making himself available to answer our questions. If any dickheads start to misbehave I feel it's our duty to tap the offenders on the shoulder and let them know that they're acting like knobs and to either shut up or leave.

If you need a hand Dave, the entire Klub Kevlar Technical sub Committee will be at your disposal. ;)


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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2009, 07:07:52 pm »
Firko, I better keep my bottle of Ostfriesischer MOOR-GEIST scnapps away from all you Maico riders till after Daves meeting, call into the QLD camp with 090 ,DOC,DODGEE,DJ,POMMY BILL,ect for an evening heart starter. 56%! phew! Eddie we will  have to keep it away from red wine Pete. Cheers John.

Offline LWC82PE

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Re: Nats eligibility questions answered at CD6
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2009, 06:44:55 pm »
How did this go? how many cans of worms were opened?
Wanted - 1978 TS185 frame or frame&motor. Frame # TS1852-24007 up to TS1852-39022