Author Topic: budget bikes?  (Read 62963 times)

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Offline Bamford#69

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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2009, 12:23:34 pm »
Hi ,
I,m new to this techno stuff, but if you email me I'll send the articles over , big size , so you can post the right size


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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2009, 01:25:09 pm »
Michael.....You're trying to be controversial again. ::) I'll throw one at you.......Show me a Metisse Mk3a frame made before 1965?
The reason many people are frightened of pre 65 is blokes like you and Peter Lawson in WA and your ridiculous pedantic attitude towards the class. Rather than trying to find reasons to knock Cheneys and other bikes out of pre 65, why not take my lead and look for ways of getting more people involved. This weird fetish of yours is getting so f*^king tiring Michael. I wish you could see the damage you're doing to what should be a great class but your single minded, blinkered and almost laughingly pedantic attitude has you to thinking  you're helping the cause.  FFS Stop it!!!!! >:(
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 02:25:20 pm by firko »

Offline maicomc490t

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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2009, 02:53:11 pm »
Hey Firko - you're getting pissed as the Yanks say !

I am going out on a limb here as I am in a realm I know NOTHING about but let me say this.

It took me ages to even pull my finger out to get back to racing after all these years. The last thing this sport needs are pedants and pricks stuffing it up for yet another era.

From what I have seen of Firko's posts he is trying to ENCOURAGE people so if I read between the lines and from what Walter is saying there are a couple of tossers out there acting like brown snakes in the woodpile trying to fork up everyone else's lives to suit themselves?

Guys, if penis size is a problem for pities sake go get an operation and not turn people off yet another era because it sounds all too hard and more power to you Mark for trying to show it CAN BE DONE ! Remember you need more than two bikes on the line to have a proper race unless it's just a parade!

OK - off the box and back to work

Dave Mac  ;)


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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2009, 04:15:23 pm »
Thanks Dave but I'm not pissed off in a frothing at the mouth, throwing things against the wall sense but rather showing my frustrations at Michael's continuance of his B44 and Cheney bigotry. This stuff has gone on for way too long. Michael's actually quite a nice bloke but his preoccupation with finding fault in others bikes is becoming exceedingly tedious. At a period in our sports history when we should be finding new ways to attract new blood and different bikes to the class Michaels incessant bleatings about the evil B44 and twin down tube Cheneys is embarrassing to others that take the class seriously. He and others like him are only adding to the general perception that the pre 65 is largely frequented by whinging old anal retentives.
Rather than wasting his and everyone elses time finding ways to exclude bikes from the class, I'd suggest Michaels time would be better spent calling on authorities to join the rest of the classic motocross world and open the class to B44s and twin tube Cheneys therby helping to prolong the life of a class that's bordering on extintion.

Offline Bamford#69

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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2009, 04:43:12 pm »
Hi Mark,
Once again you have missed the  BLEEDING OBVIOUS , (Yes upper case)  IT  IS CALLED PRE65 ,its not called the" ride anything you like class"
The reason why so many people are frightened of Pre65 is blokes like you and your negative attiude towards the class and its historical significance, Rather than trying to find reasons to make every bike you like fit into the class,why not take my lead and encourage people to get involved with historical aspect of the class. This weird fetish of yours is getting so  F***ing tiring .
I wish you could see the damage you are doing to what should be a great class, but your single minded, blinkered ,almost laughable attitude has you thinking you are helping the class,you are not
FFS stop it . Stop criticising this class and those who ride in this class
When did you last ride in this class, I you dont agree with Pre 65 dont get invovled .
Did you ever stop to think that "YOU MIGHT BE THE PROBLEM"
You are obviously are a disciple of the mantra "If the guys got a vintage bike in the back of his truck, twenty bucks in his pocket and a good attitude , he gets to race and we will sort the rest out later"
Apology to Dick Mann,
 Mark  butt out and leave this class alone , go spread your negative, pessimistic ,wet blanket attitude in someone elses paddock.
Michael Bamford
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 05:37:42 pm by jikov »

Offline pancho

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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2009, 06:02:34 pm »
i agree with mark to the point that you dont have to invest bulk money to set up a bike in the pre 65 or other classes for that matter. find an old 18s ajay or b33 bsa and you can have a lot of fun. the way i got my rt1 was like this- a bloke at work said to me 'you muck about with old bikes, there's an old bike in my uncles' shed at yass if your interested'.so had a look and came back with the first model rt1 for $100! spent $200 on bearings &seals and had fun. I would never had considered buying anything involving more than three figures.
dont follow me i'm probably off line!


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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2009, 06:09:33 pm »
With respect Michael, you invited my response.....
Over to you Mark.
Now look who's getting cranky. You're the bloke who keeps raising this tiresome old chestnut, not me. I'm just looking for ways of getting people into the class and you keep raising the boring old B44 scenario that has nothing to do with the thread. The subject is 'Budget Bikes',not "Lets hammer B44s again". You raised the subject, not me.
Stop criticising this class and those who ride in this class
Show me where I've criticised the pre 65 class Michael. I've been pushing, promoting and offering up opportunities to people who've previously avoided the class. Let's look back a little....I offer up the Royal Enfield India as a cheap entry level bike and show a lot of positive reasons for considering them and what to you come back with....that they're a WOFTAM and erroneously suggest they're not the same as the Brit version. Who showed the negativity there old mate? Not me.
I offer up a cheap and easy way of getting into the class with the Sprite alternative and what do you come back with...nothing except criticise me as living in hacksaw and grinder "Firkoland". If you can go back through every post I've ever made on this forum or any of the twenty five years I've been writing about this sport and find even one article where I've been critical of the pre 65 class I'll buy you a carton of Steinlager. Sure I've been critical of the current eligibility rules but have offered up reasons for my criticisms while at the same times respecting the pre 65 class as the sports crown jewel.
When did you last ride in this class, I you dont agree with Pre 65 dont get invovled
When was that a criteria for having an opinion? As you know I haven't raced at open level since 1996 and club level since 1999 due to my weight, age and various injuries. During my vintage racing days I raced almost exclusively in the pre 70 class with three different brand bikes but have built three pre 65 class bikes, including two Metisses and my current Hindall Ducati and assisted various friends in building a number of Metisses and other pre 65 bikes. Now that my weight's declining and my injuries are a tad less niggly I'm currently assembling parts to make a return to racing next year in the pre 65 class.
You are obviously are a disciple of the mantra "If the guys got a vintage bike in the back of his truck, twenty bucks in his pocket and a good attitude , he gets to race and we will sort the rest out later"
As a matter of fact I am. There's a place for everyone in VMX Michael and we need to nurture that rather than scare thenm away with a shitload of reasons they cant race or expect them all to have pukka bikes like you seem to think we should all have.
Mark  butt out and leave this class alone , go spread your pessimistic ,wet blanket attitude in someone elses paddock
Come on Michael you've got to be joking. I've been nothing but positive in this current resurgence of forum interest in pre 65. I'll say it again, I'm drumming up business while you pedantic anals scare everyone away. Don't go throwing the pessimistic stone at me bucko!  Coming from you thats a hoot. Re read your posts and you'll see what I mean. The beer will still be cold at CD6 where we can continue this discussion but make sure you do your homework first. ;)

« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 06:57:37 pm by firko »


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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2009, 06:47:43 pm »
I'll buy you a carton of Steinlager.

Geez Firko you are really getting ugly now, nobody deserves that cruel fate.  ;D

Well just quickly leafing through the latest issue of Classic Dirtbike (far too much trials, but what the hell if the poms want to creep around bogs in cloth caps). But seems like Cheney B44s (albeit 500 and 600 3 speed B44s with titanium rods) are cleaning up post 65, so that is probably where they should stay as they can be developed way beyond anything else.

maybe pre 65 should be technology based, limited to Pommy 4 strokes. All pommy bike formula day is popular in the land of Steinlager and is fantastic with great bikes and a few old stars dragged out of their Zimmer frames.


Offline Bamford#69

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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2009, 08:27:27 pm »
Here is a deal for you Mark, you stop inferring that an electric start Indian Enfield is a Pre65 Bike , and discontinue this annoying and futile B44 crusade,(you must accept the Refs decision, or move to Pomgolia) and I'll stop baiting you,
ps: the whispers have started about your frequent use of the "pedantic and anal" phrase
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 08:31:08 pm by jikov »

Offline VMX247

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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2009, 09:16:07 pm »
Mainline while searching keep your eyes peeled for these:
Francis Barnett
Moto Parilla
Norton the best one  :-*
Royal enfield
Japanese all pre 65
Specials non budget
Kyffin what?
If it has lighting system or any glossy fairing-remove  ;D
Change tyres and you should be right to ride dirt  :P

Oh and remember-the Nationals are only once a year not all year. 8)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 09:19:55 pm by VMX247 »
Best is in the West !!

Offline holeshot buddy

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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2009, 10:11:48 pm »
i know where there is a ex works dot 360
i want to get my hands on one day ;)
shit i would ride pre65  but they are hard to find :D
follow me to first turn


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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2009, 10:57:37 pm »
You know Michael....the thing that really surprises me is that you took the electric start Enfield pun seriously ;D. Perhaps that little burst of sarcastic humour went over your head and when you reacted so well I couldn't help myself.  ;)
As far as B44 goes, whatever you say. I don't want to play this silly game any more. You haven't answered any of my questions and probably won't because the answers expose the non level playing field that exists in the pre 65 regs. You said it yourself, it's pre 65 so lets take out the G85 Matchy and Mk3a Metisse frame and we can all live as one big happy pre 65 family where love and respect for others opinions run rampant. :-*
Now........can we return to a positive outlook and carry on with trying to find low budget entry level bikes for pre 65.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 11:58:49 pm by firko »


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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2009, 06:50:11 am »
That old AJS is just the thing. It'd be a piece of piss to switch it over to motocross trim and give it its third life. Even though it's pretty obvious that the Enfield electric start option might get you in trouble with the rule Nazis, the Enfield India is still legal for pre 65. The above list is certainly large but you'd be wrestling rhinos to find most of them, let alone find one on the cheap.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 02:41:17 pm by firko »


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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2009, 07:01:49 am »
With the value of our NZ "Pacific Peso" this probably qualifies as a budget bike, and it is undoubtedly pre-65:

Offline jimg1au

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Re: budget bikes?
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2009, 07:12:39 am »
i bought a road race cotton in late was a telstar complete with very large tank and full faring all factory stuff.after paying and putting it on the trailer the owner said to me you may as well have my mx bike as well and wheeled out a bike just the same as that one.ther was a very fast cotton rasing in pre 62 road racing and i was just about to buy that on when the owner said you may as well here it run,it went bang in a big way.mad mick mancell from taree buged me till i sold them to him along with a cb72 honda 250 which was the bike on display at the 61 motor show.i think i got a few jap motors a bsa jap road racer and some cash.