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Offline Nathan S

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Vinduro ride report.
« on: September 30, 2007, 11:40:28 PM »
Just got back.
It was good: Very laid back, lots of people with excellent attitudes (and none that I saw with the wrong attitude), interesting mix of bikes, challenging course, tons of prizes, etc.

Bikes ranged from an ancient Matchless with a rigid rear end to some 85 TT250s, with virtually everything in between.
Obviously there were lots of ITs, PEs, TT/XT500 and Bultacos, but also a few other things - plenty of Maicos, a nice 83 XR200/CR125 hybrid that's been that way since 1983, a few DTs, a BSA, Maico GS125 etc. I even got to see an MR175 in the flesh (sorry YumaSSide, I didn't get round to taking a pic).
Remarkably few XRs and Huskys though!

Everyone seemed to be walking around with a smile on their dial.

Met some great blokes (inc forum members), did three laps on each of my bikes, fell off three times, blagged a ride on a DR250F, centre-punched a tree at about 5kph (on my bike, not the DR!), stuck with Ballard for about 20metres (did I mention that I fell off three times?  One of them was about 25m after he went past :D) , had some play-races with Tex and another bloke on an XR, and generally had a lot of fun.

A+++ will ride again.

I have one whigne, but it can wait until tomorrow.
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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 08:20:30 AM »
      YOU DIDN'T WHAT?????????                  Your'e dead mofo!..............The firing squad's on it's way!..........I'll just have to send you a pic of my almost complete one!

           Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself..........bastard!


Offline Tex

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2007, 10:18:23 AM »
In a word - awesome. This was the most fun I've had on a dirt bike in years; I'm still smilin'. The course and the atmosphere were just great.

I cannot thank the organisers enough for putting on a well organised and tremendously fun event. Top job.

It was good to meet some people face to face, and then head out for a lap with them too. I did six loops in total, fell off twice, had a very close call with some trees, checked out some cool old trail and enduro bikes, then before I knew it, it was time to go home.

I really hope that there are more of these Vinduros.


Offline Hoony

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2007, 04:46:56 PM »
c'mon guys i need to know more, how manys k's a loop, what time did it start/finish, what sort of terrain, creek crossing if any hills, did they have a talk before hand to start you off, funny stories, etc etc.
Long time Honda Fan, but all bike nut in general, Big Bore 2 stroke fan.
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Offline Tex

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2007, 05:49:51 PM »
I don't know how many kms were involved, but we were told that it would take about 30 minutes to complete a loop. I managed to complete all but one loop in well under 30 mins, (and I'm not a particularly fast rider). I stopped to take a few pics and watch other riders during one loop, so that one took a bit longer.

It was great to see so many trail and enduro bikes in the Parc Ferme. My IT250 looked right at home for once! After the rider's briefing, the first bikes were away at 10am.

Setting off from the starting gate, there was a short blast through a paddock and then into some gently undulating single track. A hard right turn and into the first of several hills. This was followed by some fairly technical single track and into an open paddock with the course marked out before it snaked it's way back into the bush.

Back in the bush and for tight single track, and plenty of it. A few logs to get over, and some sharp corners to keep you on your toes. Man, some of those trees were close together too. No barkbusters for me but I still counted ten fingers at the end of the day. The country was quite hilly, but I didn't find any of the hills too hard, though none of the climbs seemed to have any run-up at all! For me some of the hardest parts were riding along the sides of these slopes.

The course broke back into open country for some time with a series of corners set on the side of the hill which made them pretty slippery (I went down here once).

Back into the bush and a long downhill that had me certain the first time round that I was going to see some water. The ground was a little moist, but no real mud or slop to be seen. Didn't stop me falling off here once as well though!

Some more single track, a little more paddock time, then a short ride through the bush to get to the finish gate.

Everyone was free to do as many or as few laps as they wanted. An awards ceremony was called in the early afternoon, with some random merchadise prizes given out, before rider's time cards were drawn out of a bucket. I even scored a litre of two stroke oil, so the day just kept getting better.

A few diehards (myself included) begged to be allowed back out. The organisers relented, and so I found myself chasing Nathan S, who'd borrowed a DR250.

When's the next one?  ;D


Offline Nathan S

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2007, 07:29:22 PM »
Yep. Great venue for it - some of the best dirt I can recall riding on. The weather was overcast/light drizzle all day, so the ground was damp, but apart from the grassy bits, it was more grippy than slippery.

The fastest lap I heard of was apparently 14 minutes (remember, not a competition, no results published etc). My fastest "timed" lap was 19 minutes (on the CT1), but it included an Experts diversion and a fall. I reckon I could do an 18 minute lap without risking life or limb on the DT, but the clocks were taken out of the rain after only a few laps.

There were two blokes on twin shock PEs and their mate on an IT-K who seemed to be the gun riders of the day (along with GB, of course).

In addition to Tex's description, the grassy bits were littered with downhill corners that I really struggled with... On the DR, I pulled a reasonably agressive race-pass on Tex, and then on the next corner I locked up the rear and stalled - I thought "I'll just roll straight down the hill (off the track) and clutch start it"... but there was no way I was going to get the rear wheel turning on that wet grass... Meanwhile Tex is up on the track, waiting and laughing... :)

There were also some 'expert' only diversions. One of these diversions added about 5 minutes to the loop, but seemed to get minimal traffic - there was still leaf litter and stuff covering most of the track at the end of the day. Another expert diversion added maybe 5 metres compared to the 'easy' option, but it quickly developed a great little berm on this uphill left hander that meant that even spodes like me could rail it and feel like a legend.

The 'easy' course was still not novice friendly. The wife managed about one third of one lap before spitting the dummy... At the time, I was a bit annoyed at her, but after she short-cut back to the pits and I finished my first lap, I realised she'd done the right thing.
This was annoying because we'd specifically asked whether the course was rideable for a novice.... She still went home with a smile on her dial (did I mention the great people and great atmosphere?), but it did put a pretty big dampener on something she'd really been looking foward to. If she'd somehow made it to the near vertical drop-off near the end of the lap, I reckon she would have sworn off bikes forever and walked back to the pits...

This is easily my biggest (and only) criticism of the event - for many of the riders and some of the bikes it attracted, the course was far too hard.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about killer hills or bottomless bogs or anything: A competent rider would have little trouble completing the lap, but it was still quite hard work - consistant tight single-track, punctuated by slippery paddocks on steepish hills, doesn't give much chance for a breather.
Virtually everbody that I spoke to would have greatly preferred an easier, more open course. Everything about the day was welcoming and inclusive of all eligible bikes and riders, except the one bit that was impossible to avoid/ignore.
Personally, I would have had just as much fun on a simple, fire-road based course, with a few tricky optional bits thrown in.

I'll be back for the next one, don't worry about that - but it the "easy" courses are kept this difficult, then I reckon a great opportunity to for riders to enjoy old bikes away from the pressures of competition will be wasted. If there's a significant demand for hard stuff and proper competition, then Vinduro can grow to fill that void - but until then...

(Anna has just read this and made it clear that she won't be back for the next one - at least not as a rider).
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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2007, 07:45:47 PM »
Sounds very tasty, but what area/district/region whatever???

Offline Nathan S

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2007, 08:48:30 PM »
Between Yea and Healesville in Vic.
Or between Broadford/Seymour and Melbourne, if that means anything.

Quite a nice part of the world - we lost count of the number of B&Bs we passed on the way there, if that gives you an idea...

And yes, it was worth the drive.
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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2007, 09:00:19 AM »
Here's some poor quality clips I took with my mobile phone:

I should have some (better quality) photos up in the next day or so.



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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2007, 12:07:59 PM »
Look forward to your pixxies Tex. That tight single wheel track trail reminds me of enduros west of the Air Station at Nowra  ;) Good stuff  ;D

Offline jimbo

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2007, 06:01:12 PM »
 A great day had by all, as stated the course was tight I nailed a low hanging tree limb which knocked me for six . My 390 Husky wore me out and in the end 6 loops was all I had in me , My mate Gunny manged 8 loops on his Frontera . Of the seventy riders who rode there was only one injury [ collar bone].A great VIBE  SWEPTED THE PARC FERME as we set -off , once you exited the forest some down hill switch back off cambers where harder than they looked . Good 'on-ya Drakie ,Juz  AND THE ALEXANDER m/c guy's for hosting a dam good event .PS where else can you can have a days riding for only $50.00 including a one day's lic.

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2007, 09:57:52 PM »
Some pics can be found here:

Not many pics, and mostly static shots as I forgot to put batteries in the camera!


Offline GMC

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2007, 09:32:22 AM »
The wife managed about one third of one lap
I wondered what happened to you, I was waiting near the end to snap you.
Virtually everbody that I spoke to would have greatly preferred an easier, more open course
I heard this from a few too, the problem being that if it was more open this would then encouage faster speeds which could also end up dangerous. I didn't feel the course was overly difficult, no killer hills or bogs etc. I actually like trails like this despite only making half a lap after wacking a tree on a borrowed IT425 & snapping the brake perch. (Sorry Chris, still that will teach you for consistantly beating me 20 years ago ;D)

Dave Hammond styles it up for the camera. Note to riders, when you see a camera man on the trail don't bloody look at him, get it up on the back wheel or let it hang out or something.

Don't know who the other riders were but I did get lots of Woo Hoo's from guys that were obviously enjoying themsleves.

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Offline GMC

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2007, 09:37:15 AM »

G.M.C.  Bringing the past into the future

Shock horror, its here at last...

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Offline Tex

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Re: Vinduro ride report.
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2007, 10:06:44 AM »
Woohoo a picture of me! Thanks GMC.

I was surprised at how difficult the course was - pleasantly surprised! For me it was absolutely ideal, challenging but not impossible, and all that single trail was sheer (tiring) joy.

I was tired & sore the next day, so I really felt like I'd been riding.
