I've been tackling age versus riding head-on since start of year, as there are so many recent good things out there like Classic Dirt, Honda BBB, Vinduros ... enough to get fit for.
This is what I've been doing. I am 54.
1. Exercises in lounge. Only 25 minutes in a session. I always use the same small set of dumb-bells. (I never change the weight up; only upping the reps)
I believe in keeping the sets small, so it doesn't feel daunting when it comes time to do it. Sometimes I do them at midnight, when all jobs/kids chores done and this is free time.
If you stay consistent, it starts to add up. EG: 25 by 3 sets of sit-ups, twice a week = 150 situps per week, or 7000+ a year.
2. Timing - i try to do exercise three times a week. Never two days in a row ... always have a day off between sessions. I try to include one aerobic session every week or so(swimming or jogging on soft beach)
I also believe strongly in motor-twitch skills. I have a half-round big ball (it has a flat base) which you stand on. It's incredibly unstable, and my ankles/feet twitch and shake to try and keep balance.
Why? I can feel the old fogies syndrome in my body, as far as coordination and balance ... that I am losing it. Sometimes it can be tricky, just getting up from a table.
3. I practise on a 5-year old unloved WRF 250, about once every five or six weeks.
4. I ride first two or three laps in third gear only, at approx. 3000 rpm. Sometimes the bike is nearly stalling in slow corners. Ride slow ... check the lines ... have a think
5. After those three laps, I decide where I maybe want to shift back to second, and start to gas it a little. Then build on each lap's speed.
6. I used to ride too hard, and hit a lot of bumps and things - always wound up winded (and sore for days) if I tried to do a whole lap fast. I recently learnt to back off, and ride about 85% pace. Yesterday, doing this, I rode 30 laps in a row.
7. Cool down. I ride one final lap almost on idle, as a cooling down period.
8. Body weight.
A/ If I'm not hungry, I don't eat.
B/ After 28 years of shop coffees on a daily basis, I switched to skim milk coffee in the cafes. I lost about six kilos and 1.5 belt notches in about two months.
9. I just bought the prescription inserts off Goggleman, so finally have responsible, clear vision.
10. I take joint pills (Broke both ACLs six years ago). Still not sure about them, so I go off them for a month every so often ... trying to suss out the placebo effect.
11. I don't do vintage races any more.
PS: Bahnzy must have some good tips - I reckon he rode ALL Saturday and ALL Sunday long at CD7. Rode and rode and rode.