Author Topic: Shock Spring Selection  (Read 14075 times)

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Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2009, 01:45:01 pm »
Hi JC,
I have also added in the unsprung weight into my calculations.
This is a very good point.
The springs do not support the swingarm or wheel but the sag I have calculated is the same as what happens on the bike, very interesting.


Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2009, 01:49:59 pm »
Hi JC,
I seems to me the leverage ratio in their formula's is the resultant of the second class lever effect, not the shock angle.

Is that how you see it.


Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #47 on: February 24, 2009, 01:58:39 pm »
Hi JC,
Now this is the mental stimulation I was looking for in a forum.


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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #48 on: February 24, 2009, 02:31:54 pm »
Ji, in measuring the leverage ratio they (# 2 & 3 formulae) effectively convert the forces to torque/moment about the swingarm pivot & hence use perpendicular distance(s) measured from pivot to the line of force(s).

That automatically accounts for shock angle since the perpendicular distance (from spring/shock to s'arm pivot) is going to be less for a shock mounted at say 60deg than for one at say 90deg (when the bot shock mt is in the same pos'n). You can calculate it out by trigonometry using four measurments as in yr diag on pg1, or you can do it using just 2 measurements as they do.

#1 formula didn't take any account of shock angle, just simple lever, so it really only works for (near) vertical shocks & thus has limited use
« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 04:34:30 pm by JC »

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #49 on: February 25, 2009, 11:31:58 am »
Ji, I found some more interesting things yesterday a'noon.

Jared mentioned in a thread in the Spanish Marque Remarks that the V75/VA Monty's rear suspension was hard to set-up. Make it soft for small bumps & it bottomed on jumps; stop the bottoming & it was very stiff over small bumps. That's fairly typical of falling rate suspensions. So I checked the geometry & sure enough, the V75 is  falling rate from about half-stroke, while the VA is falling rate after about 1" (15%) travel!

I then checked other geometries of bikes w laid-down shocks from the early LTR era (74-75) & found the 74.5 Penton/KTM is falling rate from the start (w shocks in full laydown pos'n), GP2 Phantom & 74 Rokon are falling rate after only about 1" (about 15%) of travel, CanAm MX3 after about 35% stroke, GP1 Phantom after about 40% stroke, 76 MC5 Penton/KTM after about 60% stroke, & 75/76 GP Husky after about 75-80% stroke.

On the other extreme of shock pos'n, its quite obvious that the Mk8 Pursang/Mk9 Frontera rear end is falling rate right from the start too. Bultaco fixed that on all the later pursangs & fronteras.

Interesting isn't it that most of those bikes (w the exception of the Husky which at least was rising rate for about 70% of its travel) had a reputation for average rear suspensions

Then I checked the YZ250B. Its cantilever system is also falling rate after about 10-15% stroke (MXB & YZC are much the same). Now it all makes sense for these bikes - they've got the same problem! I've never been too convinced of the supposed virtues of the early cantilever Yams & long wondered why they ran such stiff springs when they already had apx 300psi in the shock. Now I know why (they had a fairly short stroke shock/spring too which of course exacerbates it). It all makes sense why they had a harsh ride too. (Later cantilever YZs did have more rising rate in the system, but its still limited. YZG/H is rising rate for about half-stroke while YZ D/E is somewhere in between B/C & G/H. From YZ250/400C I believe they used a progressive spring too)

As a general rule of thumb (it depends on more geometry/measurements than just shock angle), it seems that anything w the bot shock mt attached towards the rear of the swingarm & the shocks laid-down below about 50degs (from horizontal) goes falling rate sometime in the stroke; anything below about 45deg is falling rate for much of the stroke & anything around 55-60degs is safely in the rising rate thro'out its stroke. Hence the AW Maicos, RM Suzs, post77 Huskies, Mk 11 Pursangs etc had good rear suspension. By then the factories had 'cottoned on' to it. Tho the 79 CR250RZs & A5 KXs still appear borderline to me. (I believe the next model CR -RAs ran more upright shocks)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 10:01:50 am by JC »

Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #50 on: February 25, 2009, 12:10:30 pm »
Hi JC,
That is very interesting.

I have just "What Ifed" to see what the difference in spring rate would be if I laid down my CZ shock.
I have not changed any other factors just the shock angle.
Angles are to the horizontal

Standard CZ400 1973 shock angle 80deg spring rate as per my calculator 82lb/in
                         Improved angle 62deg spring rate as per my calculator 88lb/in
                         Improved angle 45deg spring rate as per my calculator 112lb/in


Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #51 on: February 25, 2009, 12:38:41 pm »
Hi JC,
Here is an interesting "What If"
If for example I was to do a wheelie on my CZ, what spring rate would bottom out the shock. When you do a wheelie all the weight of the bike and rider except rear unsprung weight is applied to the rear shocks.

Answer 70lb/in

I would still like to have half of my rear shock travel available during a wheelie which would mean I would have to run a spring rate of 93lb/in.

Thus a 70lb/in spring would be no good for jumps as the force on the shocks would be higher.
Mass x acceleration.
In the first case we only have gravity 9.80665m/s but in the case of a jump we would have the speed of the bike. I know we also have to contend with the shocks sitting due to chain torque, but lets put that to one side for now.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 12:57:38 pm by Ji Gantor »

Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #52 on: February 25, 2009, 01:28:55 pm »
Hi JC,
Talking about jumps now and that #2 formula.
That chap uses a factor of 2 for dynamic loads applied to the rear shocks.

Now say we were travelling at 75km/h which is 21m/s (roughly twice the velocity of gravity) this may account for his factor. I know that impact loads are much more complicated to calculate than this but I just thought I would start the debate.

Thus, say I still want 1/2 an inch of travel left when I land after a jump when travelling at 75km/h. Assuming I land on the rear wheel first. What spring rate will I need in my CZ400 1973.

Answer 160lb/in

If I perform the same jump and allow the spring to completely compress or bottom and have no extra travel left what spring rate would I need.

Answer 140lb/in

It is obvious that the perfect spring rate on a bike with 4inches of travel is unattainable.

Thus for my CZ400 I would need a progressive spring with the rates of 82-140lb/in
This should give me my ride height and just bottom out over a good jump.

Of course the dynamics don't really apply only to the springs, there is dampening, oil, valving.........
Thus I would say a progressive spring of 82-110lb/in would be more right than wrong.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 05:45:41 pm by Ji Gantor »

Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #53 on: February 25, 2009, 03:00:00 pm »
Hi JC,
Could we say that his factor of 2 was based on an MX bike jumping say 2 metres above the ground.
PE = weight x height
PE = mass x gravity x height
PE = 205kg x 9.81 x 2
PE = 4022Nm

Which converts to
Wheel effective rate = 2 x 4022 / .1 squared
WER = 804400N/m
WER = 804N/mm
WER = 4572lb/in

Spring load per spring is WER/2
SL = 2286lb/in (when spring is bottomed)

Which is unattainable for a CZ 73 with 100mm of wheel travel.
Using my 160lb/in spring you can only soak up 640lb without any preload and 800lb with the full inch of preload.

And I think this is why damping plays a big part in landing a bike from a jump.
With out any kind of damping the spring would have to be huge.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 05:24:57 pm by Ji Gantor »

Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #54 on: February 25, 2009, 05:13:06 pm »
Hi JC,
A bike does not just drop 2 metres straight down after a jump.
It is more like a bullet that ricochets. It imparts only a portion of its energy not the full load. Also the down ramp is angled to minimise even more of the impact. The riders body collapses at knee and elbow like a crumple zone in a car.

All these factors make it impossible to calculate the dynamic load.
I like the idea of just doubling the weight and also the wheel stand calculation.

So from my findings I would work out the spring rate for ride height, then check the load of a wheel stand on the shocks and last punch in twice the rider/bike weight to see what is required when the spring is bottomed. If I was going to have Walter build me a pair of shocks I would bring this info to the table and ask his opinion on what dampening would be required.


Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #55 on: February 25, 2009, 05:57:05 pm »
Hi Wasp,
I am sure of that now.
And may I add that if we set up a set of shocks for a track like Conondale with large jumps for VMX it will be terrible for a flat grass track.

Thus we really need our shocks set up for at least two types of tracks with different valving, oil and spring rates.

Walter I will be speaking to you soon about my CZ shocks that you will be building for me. Z302's .


Offline JC

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #56 on: February 25, 2009, 06:38:55 pm »

I'm just about brain dead (got the flu) but there's surely something very wrong w yr calcs for a 2m jump.(Reply #56) No spoked wheel or VMX rear subframe would take those sort of loads, yet 2m jumps were hardly uncommon in 70's MX.

There's a few other 'gremlins' in the calcs above too. You can't compare a velocity of 21m/s to gravity & say its twice gravity cos 'g' is acceleration (9.8 m/sec-sq) not velocity. Its like comparing cucumbers to tennis balls.

However Ocheltree's Load Factor of 2 may be equivalent to accounting for G-out forces of 2g which would perhaps be reasonable for 70's MX.

But his formula (#2) doesn't work anyway (as it stands above in Reply #43). As far as I can tell, wheel travel should be shock travel in that formula, so it would read:

SR = BF x CW x LF x LR / 2 x ST

where ST = Shock Travel/stroke
LR = Leverage ratio of shocks
LF = Load Factor (2.0)
CW = Combined wt of bike + rider
BF = Balance Factor (0.4 for Front; 0.6 for Rear)

There's a few other things I'll comment on later too, perhaps tomorrow hopefully when my head doesn't hurt.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2009, 10:13:20 am by JC »

Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #57 on: February 25, 2009, 06:43:58 pm »
Hi JC,
I agree, I did not spend much time on the stuff today so I don't think the calcs are right either.
I do how ever feel that impact load is a waste of time.
Set for ride height and be done with it.


Ji Gantor

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #58 on: February 25, 2009, 06:59:57 pm »
Hi JC,
I have to remember that my goal was to work out a way to determine a starting point spring rate. I have done that. Now we have moved onto an area that is beyond my knowledge base. I will study some more of this kind of stuff but from what I have seen so far there is no point as the dynamic forces are a moving target.

I have enjoyed our adventure so far.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 07:15:13 am by Ji Gantor »

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Re: Shock Spring Selection
« Reply #59 on: February 26, 2009, 11:25:38 am »

Yes, accounting accurately for dynamic loading is all-but beyond me too these days. 30yrs ago I may have relished it, but I've long since (in a moment of madness) thrown out my dynamics text books & forgotten the formulae. And the 'grey matter' is more than a little sluggish these days.

The Load Factor in #2 formula does seem to offer some accounting for dynamic loads tho, even if thro a whole lot of assumptions/approximations. It's just a rule of thumb that seems to get you in the ballpark, but needs to be checked w time on the track(s).

Just reviewing the thread so far, there seems to be a few oversights in several of the calcs, eg:

Spring rate for doing a wheelstand is going to be diff for when the fr wheel is just off the deck to when the bike is at say 45deg, cos the movement of the rear axle is almost 90deg to ground in the former but around 45deg in the latter. (More variables!) The worst-case scenario would be the former, which is probably what you calc'd for. The figure you got for it sounds too high tho.

If I perform the same jump and allow the spring to completely compress or bottom and have no extra travel left what spring rate would I need.

Answer 140lb/in

It is obvious that the perfect spring rate on a bike with 4inches of travel is unattainable.

Thus for my CZ400 I would need a progressive spring with the rates of 82-140lb/in
This should give me my ride height and just bottom out over a good jump.

Unfortunately there's a slip-up there. Its not sound reasoning. Equivalent spring rate of an 82-140lb progressive spring (& hence total compression force at bottoming) is something considerably less than for 140lb straight-wound, so according to yr calcs, if it just bottoms w a 140lb staright-wound spring it would bottom terribly w an 82-140lb progressive.

I may well be wrong, but there also appears to be someting amiss in a 0.5" preload changing the required spring rate from 126lb to 82lb. That seems excessive. Working on a 4" shock stroke, I would have tho't an 82lb spring w 0.5" preload equates to a 92lb spring w'out preload when the shocks are just bottomed. But perhaps I'm still brain dead.

However I like yr Table in Reply #38. The results seem a bit hi (by about 15%) for what was widely used back in the day, but its reasonably in the ball park & perhaps accounts for us all being somewhat heavier these days. Or maybe we ran w more than 30% 'live' sag in the 70's. (We never checked/measured in those days. We just worked on what just bottomed occasionally on big-hits.)  More likely tho, the diff also accounts for the amount of friction in the system &/or compression damping in the shocks. Perhaps you could use a factor like that (say 10-15%) & write it into yr formula to account for friction & comp damping in real-life situation. Or that could be another "what-if" variable.

I have reservations about working out spring rate just by sag/ride ht, but as has been said, its another way of arriving at a starting point & will have to be adjusted w time on the track(s). Y're perfectly right in saying dynamic forces are a "moving target". There are so many variables
« Last Edit: February 27, 2009, 10:20:00 am by JC »