If the bike is entered as a Teddles490, you have to accept it ...
No I don't. If there is any dispute: The onus of proving that a competitor, and the competitor's machine and clothing, are eligible to compete, is on the person seeking to prove it.
So he would have to prove that it is a Teddles. What documentation do you think he could find to prove that?
With "major components" left undefined, the seat and tank swap is merely in bad taste, not unacceptable.
Tank and seat are not major components. But the Evo rule doesn't say major components it just says components.
Yes, I am playing the loop-hole game, but the point is that the loop-holes are there.
And there is also precedence.
As well as rule: Everything that is not authorised and prescribed in this chapter, or in the discipline specific chapters, is strictly prohibited.
But the main thing is the intent of the rules.
Philosophy of GCR'S
The General Competition Rules
The philosophy and structure of the General Competition Rules
No set of Rules can anticipate every issue which may
arise in the conduct of a sport, especially one with as wide
a variety of disciplines and competing interests as exist in
motorcycling. The philosophy of these Rules is that good
sense, cooperation and a fair and reasonable interpretation
of reasonable Rules should be more important than "Rule
Book Racing".
In Rule Book Racing, if a situation arises, the answer is
to be found by looking up the book, not by the exercise of
independent judgement. If there's no answer in the book,
a new rule has to be devised to "plug the hole". Rule Book
Racing assumes that Controlling Bodies have little or no
interest in working effectively with competitors, with each
other, or with Promoters to benefit the sport and those
who participate in it. It also assumes that officials have
no common sense or understanding of the sport. None of
these ideas is true or fair.
These rules confer on the Controlling Bodies and their
representatives and officials discretion in the application
and interpretation of the Rules. It is intended that discretion
will be exercised, as stated in the very first rule in this book
to ensure that competition is safe, free and fair.
1.2 PURPOSE OF RULES The purpose of these Rules is to regulate
and control motorcycle competition.
a) The Rules are to be interpreted with
the intent that competition will be
safe, free and fair and conducted
applying the principles of natural