A world series would be great to see, l had the opportunity once to race in NEW ZEALAND back in the 70`s and my friend John Herd race number #60, he was racing MC400 maico at the time, but what happen we where to stay with maurce sheriff place and these guy where A graders in NZ at the time, but this brother got killed racing at a meeting, and that ended the trip. But racing in England at Farleigh Castle that would be wonderful, a dream come true. I had just turned 53 today, and the years have flown, life is to short to dream, l feel that Australia is big enough and barrabool would be the ideal track to hold a world series Vintage and Evo race meeting. l am sure the Geelong Sporting club would support that kind of event. they are trying to save barrabool from going under. And the poeple of Australia wouldn`t like to see barrabool closed.