Thanks CG, that's the ones alright but for $100 I can go and buy one from Suzuki
I was hoping for a John West reject and maybe be lucky enough to get a key also. Ironically I had a whole GSX250 offered to me a while back with exactly the setup I need and I rejected it
you can usually bet if I reject something I think it's pretty much worthless but I should have at least grabbed the fuel cap and keys..they were perfect! :'( ya get that
anyway if one spots a cap for negligable $ then I'm shirly interested, if it's got a key I may even go double figures
Freaky, I have this wee logistical problem I need to address before the TS can grace my space but I maybe onto a reasonable solution..I hope
does the TS happen to have keys cause that'd really sweeten the deal!
I must be insane