Problem Ted. I can't find that farkin bracket anywhere
. I was "sure" I had a used one and an NOS one
, but I think maybe the NOS one was for the 250. Not to worry, I know the "Hilly" 125H in Brissy has one on. Only problem is I'm not down there until the 19th of Feb. So that could screw up your plans - Sorry about that. I'm buggered if I know what happened to the bloody thing. I have pulled all the parts out of the 125H bin twice and still no luck
Don't you hate that. I have bought so many parts in the last few years I seem to have lost track. Oldtimers disease setting in early
So it turns out I'm going to need one as well. I'll pull the one in Brissy off and send it down pronto.
Obviously Hilly hasn't read this post as there is no way he would have been able to leave that last post alone