I’m not going to enter into what is the best Vinduro bike is, each to his own. (of course my SWM IS the best, oops)
I’ve mainly ridden Yamahas and Hondas and since I have had a license I’ve always had a registered bike although in 88 I had a very dodgee but fast CB125n 2st
, IMHO in the late 70s and 80s as far as Japanese enduro bikes went MX bikes were much better race bikes.
The way I look at it, Vinduros are a chance to own and ride bikes you didn’t or couldn’t back then but always wanted too, so here are my best bikes and probably mine alone:
Pre 75: Ossa or SWM6day125
Pre 78: Beta or SWM125gs
EVO: Husky 125, SWM175, Fantic125, IT175 & IT125
Pre 85: Any Husky & KDX200.