Ali its always ; for want of a misused plural, the same 'old players playing the same hands', you'd think they would move on by now, they are all as bad as each other, its like a kindy sand pit fight. Both sides arent helping the sport or riders raise the profile of what should be a great class.
Regardless, People should be able to post on this site what ever they like.
Its no ones place to "control" content along with others. if you dont like the content move on, its getting so worn out this path of we can only have what certain individuals screen onto this site.
whats next only Au posters allowed ?
FFS if its about a bike or side car, be it links, images or information it should be posted. in this case guys from my own clubs won some stuff this year with the MASA affilated ASA which means it is a state title event they won, and i would like to see there results, infact 80% of SA sidecars are racing that series so id like the options of seeing there racing results regardless of your opinions and this inbread goings on, until the sidecar folks at all levels sort there shit out, then Riders have no choice but to attend any event they can to get a ride.
Regardless of who is putting it on, most of our sidecar guys would go to your meeting if you put it on and called it the Jasper Cup, they dont give a flying, they just want an event to ride.
Try finding any relevant MA sa side car results other the the 24 hour ??
i want links to any info where ever its posted to my fellow club members or those of the levis or Atigara clubs which are our interclub ridders.
Let the forum users decide what they read or reply to. Got me buggered why you feel the need to keep commenting on this. so you dont like it , stiff shit, move on and stop posting the fact you dont like it.
Like a bad moustache it so 80's.
id rather see users second accounts removed from this site if we are looking for somthing constructive to do