The ink dot part is true but for the wrong reason they described. I consult on tech for RICOH where we sell High end colour printers, copiers, the reason each unit uses a data dot type back print is to identify the unit, why ? it was determined since about 1990's that they were getting too good in there reproduction and many people wouldnt stop at the sticker on the front thats says DO NOT COPY licenses, money, securties etc so. so the ony way to link a unit to a conterfit is the serial trail it leaves. Engraving plates where well out of date these where like those rolling MEth cooking labs in hotels
Infact we had a case in Adelaide about Few years back when we sold a guy a $40k colour copier on finance he made the first 5 payments then he disappeard and the machine was found burnt out in a fire, we later had to appear in court as Expert witnesses in a Fed court case linking the unit to him ( the unique series of dots are held on a database for each unit) and a stack of passed 100 notes, it was the only way to link the notes to a point of origin, last i heard he was OS and they had put out a deport on him if they found him, but it was at the same time we released the $100 notes if you remeber the first ones where white paper just before they went to the plastic window versions we have now, apparently it was done a great deal and they pulled back on the hundreds and publicised what they look liked to cut down on people passing them.
I have heard a few great conterfiting stories, one of the best ones i remeber is a guy who cut the notes into strips and took out a slice , then taped back the note ( as in it was rip repaired ) then he joined up all the little bits to form one note, which he would tape all back to gether and presented as it accidently got shredded, no one checked they we correct serial numbers and the banks took them back. A Lot of trouble to make one good note out off 20 or so donors, but if you did one ever hours thats like getting $100 tax free an hour.
hAve to agree with firko and others that the DVD style recorders are soooo cheap now you need one hooked up, its not so much the fact when they steal somthing but the stress of not knowing who, if you can at least see who was it that came in you feel so much better about oesfinding them one day. Not knowing is the part that does your head in cause you no longer know who to trust