well i'd love a 9 x 7 shed, and a CR480, but i'll be playing with my Yammies instead.
need to do something with my RT1, i havn't touched it since i had a main bearing issue back in early august i think.
but have made a bit of a start on my MX250 rebuild, so i'm looking forward to getting that moving along and have also been fiddling with my pre~78 MX125c project which is basically a dt125 frame with a yz125x motor,ohlins rear end on a home made swing arm, tt500 forks and a yz80d feul tank capped off with a rm125n exhaust and nup! none of it fits together properly, but it will.
Shane, i used to paint all my frames white years ago but reckon they look a bit average these days but then again, back then it was pretty cool i thought. i'd stick with white just to relive the 80's