I think Vintage Iron sell Maiers (sp?). For Yamaha plastics I think I can quote a forum member as saying that Maiers are "Shiny but shite". Come on Mr VMXPlastics start pumping out those G/H plastics mate
. I have NOS front and rear fender on the 250. I bought a DC plastics front number plate and the colour is way off. I know
- its not supposed to be for restos, but it was $39 US plus postage (which is about $1000 Australian at the moment). Full respect to DCplastics guy as he makes stuff other people don't and I understand the manufacturing problems. I know VMX plastics are heading down this track, so I won't bother but surely if you made good quality plastics for G/H Yamahas you could make money. Nobody makes a decent RHS side cover. I agree with Leith that people will pay good money for good stuff. My 2 cents worth. Probably only worth 1 cent, but there you go.