At the moment I'm building my second RT1 engine for the Cheney and when it's finished it'll be a bit different to the other one. The first engine uses a DT2MX gearbox, YZ250A clutch, DT400 external flywheel CDI, NOS GYT barrel, Torque Industries DT2MX pipe, rare ARP head, AND "no name" DT2MX outer cases. That engine will hopefully be a good honest pre '70 class engine. The other engine has the YZ250A gearbox from my DT1, MX250 clutch, and PVL small rotor ignition.
I don't know whether to build a reed valve top end as I have three or to build another piston port pre '70 engine. I haven't got another piston port 360 barrel so if somebody has one they'd like to swap or sell, I'm more than interested.
If I decide to go with the reed engine I've got a few questions: Is there a later style reed conversion that replaces the inadequate appeaing steel originals? What carburetor would be reccomended for the reed engine. I'm possibly using a 36mm Bing on the piston port engine purely because I like them and have the jetting fairly worked out for a 350 sized engine. Because I haven't used a reed 360 before, I'm a bit short on knowledge on the right setup. Does anybody have any porting tips for both reed and piston port barrels? I was tempted to use similar specs to the Gary Treadwell ports on my DT1 but I'm hesitant to put a porting tool my a new, unused and irreplacable GYT piston port barrel. I'm interested to know which ignition you use with the 1450 g flywheel Vandy? Ports aside, the onlymajor difference between my two engines will be the ignitions. I've use DT400 ignitions on all of my 250 Yamaha engines and it works a treat but I'm short on knowledge on which will work best on a 360. I haven't weighed the flywheel but it's pretty close to the original points version.
In a way it's a good thing that your YZ doesn't have the original engine Holeshot as you can modify to your hearts content without the worries of destroying a rare restoration candidate. I reckon you've got the makings of a great open class pre 75 bike.
Freaky, a bloke named Gary Jansen had a YZ360A in Adelaide back in the mid 90s and I believe the Fast Freddie Richards, also from Adelaide, also had one. Any idea on the wherabouts of those bikes these days?