Pokey, footpegs yes, they be genuine Suzuki and the bracket is in the vise having extra welds laid cause you just know it'll snap off and hurt the ghoolies at some stage
Tankslapper, I tried an ER CDI on my RM once but it didn't work
nothing ventured nothing gained and I gained the knowlege it won't work
LWC, yes, a 10 litre TS250ER tank. It fits beautifully except on full lock yes, it does just touch the forks. Not enough to dent it and nothing a tiny dab of weld on the stops won't fix. Rear mount needs to be bent down a little but all lines up sweet.
It looks pretty crappy but all the good parts were raped off these donor bikes over the years hence why such a bitsa..for the price I paid for them they supplied my projects with cheap shockies, solid mount rear RM/TM hubs, front and rear backing plates, ignition coils, pivot bolts, handlebars, levers, cables and carbs etc. Never did I intend ever putting 1 back together until about 12 months ago when I started running out of space and scored a new crank and other useable TS bits. Easier to store a complete bike than it is to rack it for me