hey Tony,
this threads 3 pages long and i'm only just reading it for the first time.
i like my #789 as well for many reasons and it came about while mucking around with my kids,
you know, "why was 6 scared of 7? cause....7 ate 9...
ok, so it's an old joke but hey...
and having a number like 7 at the beginning allows a small prefix letter like an "X" or "H" enough room on the small oval plates.
i also like 3 digit numbers as it fills up a number plate and makes it "look" busy although a number #1 would be nice one day.... oh to dream...
i applied for the #789 when i put my licsence application in and to my surprise i got it first go.
you'll have a better chance of getting your chosen number on your licsense if you nominate "classic moto~x" as your first choice of discipline.