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motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« on: December 19, 2024, 12:46:30 pm »
Hi all, I received an email from MA about state controlling bodys not adopting new constitution causing insurance problems for any further racing, a deadline meeting is today the 19 th. Would  anybody like to comment? I have been trying to get to a race for years but seems to be very quiet in Qld.

Offline PeterC

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2024, 05:19:43 pm »
Being based in Victoria it seems as though they want to run evetything out of Victoris. That doesn't seem smart to me. I see the point in having one national body for insurance, but I think back 45+ years ago to when each state did their iwn stuff.

I have only returned to motorcycling in the last 5 odd years, being a member of VERI and do not fully understand the politics etc of it all. Is it a power trip by someone rather than for the betterment of all riders?

Just my thoughts, Peter

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2024, 02:44:18 pm »

Offline Wasp

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2024, 10:28:15 am »
Can someone actually document the full story please. The links shown , either dont work or dont make much sense.
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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2024, 10:07:07 am »
Dear Wasp and everyone,

I did a search (I am not a member of MA) but being a "Not for Profit" Organisation, financials and board minutes etc should be freely available to everyone. Please see attached link to the MA AGM reports -23 year is the latest.

I have briefly read the AGM report and I think there is some issues with the Public risk cover ( I do note one board member has experience in this area).

Cannot attach the minutes as a PDF.

Hope this is of some help!

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2024, 02:37:57 pm »
Same issues as its always been whenever MA is mentioned in the past. This reply seems to explain the conundrum. in short MA want a Monopoly.

MWA President Speaks Out
The following response was provided by the President of Motorcycling Western Australia, Peter Campain. This was issued in response to the recent correspondence issued by the President of Motorcycling Australia, Roy Chamberlain.  This follows from a recent statement from the Motorcycling Victoria Board of Directors, expressing their own displeasure at Mr Chamberlain’s statement.

Statement from MWA President Peter Campain
Most competition license holders have been sent an email from the President of Motorcycling Australia talking about the voting for a new constitution. Given Roy has given you his distorted view of the universe I thought I should tell you what it looks like from WA.

For a number of year MA has been working toward a structure where the state bodies cease to exist and everything is run from Melbourne. Granted MWA has had its issues however I think over the last year we have made big steps toward becoming the governing body that the members deserve.

Run the sport from Melbourne think Ridernet or pick up the MOM’s and try to find a page without a typo. You are bound by policies that have never been published outside of the MA office cellar. If you are familiar with the track standards you can watch National events on tv and play a game called spot the non-compliance. Do the same at State or club level and your insurance can be cancelled.

There is no disputing that the various state bodies have had their issues and there are some things needed to change. From my engagement with the various State Presidents, it seems to be there is a general acceptance of the need for change however giving the keys to an organisation that refuses to acknowledge its own problems is not the answer.

This time of the year in 2022 and 2023 you may have heard all the noise over insurance renewals. In each year MA who is the sole owner of MAIL, the MA insurance company, have used this to pressure the State Bodies to give up ground in the management of the sport.

This year we have been through two rounds of it. A few months ago the states were given new affiliation agreements to sign and told to sign or no insurance. The new agreements have a lot of conditions and the worst relates to insurance. If there is an accident to rider or member of the public and the track is not fully compliant to MA standards (to my knowledge no tracks in the country are), if the officials are found not to have applied the rules properly, if the event does not comply to all MA policies including those that have never been published anywhere they can be found or there is a conflict of interest at the event then MA reserves the right to cancel the insurance cover after the event.

I have asked MA to provide some qualification for those officials, volunteers and riders now at risk and while I was told it was coming, two months later still nothing. I don’t think the MA board has sufficient experience at grass roots to understand what they have done. Don’t worry about insurance for racing as it will be interesting to see how many officials front up for 2025.

If you are from a regional club read the MA medical guidelines, if you can’t get the required people much less afford them then an incident can see the insurance revoked because of the medical cover whether relevant or not. If you are from any club in the State that has multiple officials from the same family (which club does not) and they work at the same event it’s a conflict but you won’t be able to assess how serious it is because you can’t find the policy to read it.

The current barney is over a new constitution for MA. The proposed new constitution removes all state rights and allows MA to dictate what goes into the state constitutions, this then cascades to the clubs. The process to elect the MA board effectively allows it to pick its own members regardless of what the states think. MWA in concert with several other states engaged a law firm that was experienced in this area to give us advice on the new constitution. We were given a list of points to dispute that were not in the interests of the members and were not required by any legislation. The constitution committee was over seen by staff from the Australian Sports Commission whose view of how the sport should be was decided by a bunch of people who have clearly not tried to run a sport and the ASC meeting chair refused to discuss any issue that did not suit them, so we are now required to vote on a constitution that four of the seven State bodies did not support through the negotiation stage. We now have the ASC threating to remove their recognition of MA and the State bodies which takes out significant funding and MA threatening to remove the insurance.
MWA has been actively engaged in the current review process and always acted in good faith. We responded to the working group on the 3rd December saying that we were not happy with the process then without as much as an acknowledgement of that communication we get the current communications storm.

The MWA board is meeting next week to consider how the interests of the WA motorcycling community can be best served and what choice we have in this matter.

Peter Campain

President Motorcycling WA

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2024, 03:39:38 pm »
Thanks for that info . In a nutshell , still the good old MA .............And somehow they always manage to hang on to their monopoly , find suckers"volunteers" to run the year . Always amazes me .
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Offline pokey

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2024, 06:49:08 pm »
I have seen  some information where a group of people are trying to get a new insurance to fly. A difficult task though the current MA situation needs to change and it must or no more Volunteers and the costs for competition will destroy every club making them insolvent. Shooting your troops and burning your crops is a proven recipe for weight loss.  I sincerely hope they sort themselves out for the good of the sport. My thoughts are a few people need to pull their head in and start working with what they have and there is a lot of good in the existing framework.

 MAIL being controlled by MA is and always will be a recipe for conflict and should be cut away and no member of the MA board should have any controlling factor within MAIL as its a conflict of interests and could be seen as insider trading. Until this is done the problems for clubs and members will remain.

 My public service corporation has a board which is suppose to be separate from government and politics however a third of the board members are ex politicians still card carrying members of their respective political groups. Hence the dead wood framework at the top doesnt change and the basic obvious problems within the company are indentured.

For the good of the sport there is a place for MA and State based to coexist though for that to occur States need to step up and MA needs to pull its head in and work with the states and lose the Jack boot secret handshake mentality though no one likes losing control, ask Captain Bligh.

Offline skypig

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2024, 11:00:24 am »
From what I’ve seen so far.

It’s an argument/disagreement/fight between MA, and some of the state based “Authorities”.

Unfortunately, it’s the Classic “we said/they said” useless information that seems to be circulating.

Hard to pin down facts. Except the long suffering racers are likely to suffer/pay more. And according to some claims: not be able to race.

Offline PeterC

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2024, 08:51:28 am »
One would hope that those in positions of power, would be astute enough to make decisions in the best interests of all current and future motorcyclist and not in their own self interest.

But time will tell.

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Offline Wasp

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Re: motorcycle sport in oz to cease
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2024, 11:18:24 am »
Its all about bums on seats > money. A transparent trail of it would be interesting to study . Even more so the internal insurance company ................Claims , surpluses, and the generous remuneration packages with all french benefits for a few. Of course nobody will give up such a great monopoly voluntarily .........
VMX shocks , We don't just sell them - I design and produce them individually for you since 1989.