This has got me intrigued too. When I got my YZB engine it had a 5mm Al spacer under the barrell & unidentified wiseco piston. I figured at the time it was a piston from another engine that was a bit taller than std Yam piston.
Then I noticed DT1 pistons had diff deck ht to reed valve pistons I have (not sure what models they came from except one is IT250D). Just remeasured them all - 19mm for DT1 piston, 24.3mm for everything else, incl the Wiseco one that was in my YZB w the spacer.
So I tho't the barrell hts maybe 5mm diff. Just measured DT1M, DT2M, YZB, several DT2/3, & DT/MX/IT barrells. All are 110mm tall.
I've always been under the impression they used the same (214?) rod, as Zedder shows. So what gives?
The only thing I can think of is the cases may be 5mm lower at the base gasket surface on DT1 & YZ engines, but I no longer have YZ & never had DT1 engine (tho I do have a DT1F of DT2/3 models) to measure. I always tho't they used same cases tho. Might have to pull the barrell on DT1F to check piston deck ht.
Just checked early wiseco catalogues. They list same pistons for YZC-F, DT2/3, MX & IT but NOT incl YZa/b. In the superceded list, 74-75 YZ has separate numbers for it alone. I've found Wiseco listings aren't always accurate, but its the same in 2 diff catalogues.
Can anyone else shed more light?